Monthly Budget Template
***NOTE*** Please enter monthly spending amounts for each. For non-monthly spending (Christmas, vacations, etc.), please estimate the average if broken into monthly amounts. Debt, Mortgage & Personal Insurance is excluded from this form intentionally, we will assess those items separately.
First Name
Last Name
Rent (if applicable. Not mortgage!)
Property Tax & Condo Fees (if applicable)
Insurance: Home & Auto
Utilities: Gas, Electricity, Water, Waste Management
Communications: Phone, Cable & Internet
Transportation: Fuel, Transit Fare, Parking, Vehicle Upkeep, Annual Registration, License Renewals
Groceries & Home Supplies
Child Expenses: Care, Clothing, Sports, School, Lunch Money & Entertainment
Pets Expenses: Food, Groomer, Medications, Vet, Training, Toys
Personal Care: Aesthetics, Medical, Clothing, Dry Cleaning, Gym Membership, Massages, Club Dues
Entertainment: Hobbies, Movies, Sporting Events, Concerts, Streaming Services/Subscriptions, Consumables (Liquor, Tobacco, Cannabis, etc.)
Travel: Airfare, Pocket Money, Accommodations, Memberships/Time Shares
Gifts: Christmas, Birthdays, Thoughtful Purchases For Others
If you need more space for anything that does not fit above, please feel welcome to leave a description of other cash flow items below. Please note - Mortgage, debts, and personal insurance premiums are excluded intentionally. We will discuss those items separately.
Thank you!
This is all we need for basic budgeting. Your personal insurance, payroll deductions, mortgage and other debt repayments will be evaluated separately.
Should be Empty: