Each session will last up to 30 minutes and will be weekly.
You will have 5 sessions in total.
I (your counsellor) will:
- Keep what you tell me and what we discuss to myself, unless I have concerns that you are or have plans to seriously harm yourself, if someone else is hurting you or if others are at risk.
- Support you to share this information to an appropriate person yourself. If you feel that you can't, I will speak for you. I will do my best to tell you before I share anything with anyone, but in exceptional circumstances I might need to share this before speaking to you.
- Have regular supervision where I may discuss our sessions, but I will never mention you by name, so my supervisor won't be able to identify you.
- Let you know if I am unable to make a session for any reason.
- Keep notes of our sessions in a safe and secure place and in our final session have an ending summary with you that captures what we have talked about during our sessions.
- Work within the ethical framework of my professional organisation.
- Keep any details we have on you as up to date as possible.
- Delete all your information at any time if you request this, which you can do at any time.
I ask that you:
- Attend your sessions. If you are unable to come, please give me as much notice as possible. You can leave a message on ADD YOUR NUMBER. If you miss a session without letting me know, or if you miss more than two sessions, I will contact you to check whether you still want to continue with your counselling at this time.
- Respect each other's wishes in regards to confidentiality and to decide together whether or not to discuss or otherwise share what has been brought to your sessions.
- Don't smoke or use e-cigs or lighters during our sessions.
- Not attend sessions whilst under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.
- Let me know if other professionals are supporting you. This may include but isn't limited to doctors, consultants, psychiatrists, psychologists and emotional wellbeing workers. If I need to contact them I will try and seek your permission beforehand.
- Keep to our agreed session time. If for any reason you are running late, please let me know but be aware that our session will still end at the usual time despite starting later than usual.
- Turn your mobile phone off during sessions.
- Keep Fusion informed of any changes to your personal details.