AirBnb Check-In/Check Out Policies Agreement Form
(Your Airbnb /company name here)
By signing this waiver form, I acknowledge and confirm the following:
Check-in time is at { }.
I understand if I arrive earlier than check-in time, there is no guarantee I will be able to enter the property.
I understand I will need to use a smart lock to enter the property.
I understand the smart lock code will be given to me day of via (phone, text, email).
I understand it is my responsibility to make sure I have received the smart lock code before the end of business hours, even if I am arriving late to the property.
Check-out time is at {. }.
I understand I must vacate the property by check-out time and that staying past check-out time interferes with property cleaning.
I understand staying beyond check-out time violates Airbnb's terms and conditions and may result in overstay fees.
Guest's Name
First Name
Last Name
Guest's Signature
Date Signed
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