(1)Individuals attend at their own risk.
(2)Non-homeschool guests are welcome; however, parents/ signed parties are responsible for guest behavior. Guests must be between in the designated ages.
(3)Students and visitors of ALL AGES will treat all persons, property, and equipment with respect. Inappropriate behavior may result in guest being asked to leave.
(4)Formal to semi-formal dress code.
(5)No vulgar images, actions or language.
(6) We often take photos and/or videos of our events. These photos may appear on our website, in published materials and/or on Facebook and Instagram. If your student does not wish to be photographed, it is his/her responsibly to notify the photographer at time of photo.
(7)All students must be signed into and out of event. No student will be allowed to reenter once signed out.
By signing this waiver, I acknowledge that I am attending an event, 2022 Masquerade Ball, at my own risk. I assume full personal responsibility and waive any and all claims of injury, death, and damage to self and/or property associated with the activities before, during and after the 2022 Masquerade Ball. I hereby release and waive all claims against the sponsors (Stroud Area Homeschool Co-op) and any entities affiliated with the foregoing from liability for any and all loss, damage, injuries, claims, demands, lawsuit, expenses and any other liability of any kind, of or to me or any other person, directly or indirectly arising out of, or in connection with my visit or participation in the 2022 Masquerade Ball. Students in attendance are responsible for personal concerns such as wearing a mask or food allergies. Masks are NOT required. Stroud Area Homeschool Co-op is NOT responsible for social distancing or other COIVD related guidelines set by the CDC.
I hereby grant the sponsors permission to use my likeness in a photograph in any and all of its publications, including website entries, without payment or any other consideration taken in association with the 2022 Masquerade Ball. I understand and agree that these materials will become the property of the sponsors. I hereby irrevocably authorize the sponsors to edit, alter, copy exhibit, publish or distribute this photo for purposes of publicizing the 2022 Masquerade Ball. In addition, I waive the right to inspect or approve the finished product, including written or electronic copy, wherein my likeness appears. Additionally, I waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising or related to the use of the photograph or video. I have read and understand this entire Waiver and Release, agree to its terms, understand its meaning and significance, affirm that I have not relied upon any statement or representation not included in this Waiver and Release, and voluntarily assume the risk of, and consent to participate in, the activity of 2022 Masquerade Ball.