Routine Inspection: -Inspections on a regular basis- A routine erosion control inspection shall be conducted at a minimum, once every 7 Calendar Days
Runoff Event: Within 24 hours of the end of any precipitation or snowmelt event that produces surface erosion, post-storm event inspections must be completed. If there will be no building operations after a storm, post-storm event inspections must be completed prior to resuming construction activities, but no later than 72 hours after the storm. Any delayed inspection must be recorded in the inspection record. Routine inspections are still required every seven calendar days.
Third Party Request:
- Winter Conditions Inspections Exclusion: Inspections are not required at sites where construction activities are temporarily halted, snow cover exists over the entire site for an extended period, and melting conditions posing a risk of surface erosion do not exist. This exception is applicable only during the period where melting conditions do not exist, and applies to the routine 7-day inspections, as well as the post-storm-event inspections. Documentation must include: dates when snow cover existed, date when construction activities ceased, and date when melting conditions began.