Speaker Information
Select which events you want to use this talk for. (Please resubmit for each new topic)
Virtual Event
Name- as you want it to appear on all materials
First Name
Last Name
Your Title as you want it to appear on all marketing materials.
Example: Profitability Expert.
Email- that you want attendees to contact you at
Phone Number
Please upload your biography.
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Please upload a headshot.
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What is the title of your talk?
If you have an up loadable file with your talking points please upload it here
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Please provide 3 bullet points that describe what attendees will learn from your talk.
Upload or type in your intro if you have one. This is how our host will introduce you.
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Type your intro- if you don't have an uploadable file.
Do you have a give-away or downloadable? If so please put the URL here. Please use an affiliate link so that you can easily track leads from our summit.
Are you planning to provide a product or coaching offer? If so please put the URL here. Please use an affiliate link so that you can easily track leads from our summit.
Anything else you need us to know?
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