• attend the School premises in case of emergency and if deemed necessary
by the School provided that the Education Guardian informs the Parent(s)
of what has happened immediately.
• make all necessary travel arrangements including collecting the Student from
the appropriate airport or railway station and delivering them to the
School and collecting the Student from the School and delivering them to the
appropriate airport or railway station at the beginning and end of the term
• ensure the student attends school punctually each day in accordance with
the School's timetable
• collect and accommodate the student in their home in the evening and at
weekends during the school term
• collect and accommodate the student in their home in the event that the
the student is unwell and unable to attend School
• collect and accommodate the student in their home in the event that the
the student is excluded for non-payment of fees or suspended for disciplinary or
other reasons
• collect and accommodate the student in their home at half-term and during
holidays and at the beginning and end of the term if required
• arrange and, if appropriate, attend medical appointments for the student
• provide consent for the student to receive emergency medical treatment if
• liaise with the Housemaster or Housemistress or other members of the School
the staff as necessary in connection with matters related to health, welfare
and educational progress of the student
• pay all legitimate expenses incurred for the student by the School and by the
student themselves
• attend School events as well as sports fixtures, concerts, and other
performances in which the student is participating.
• receive copies of the student’s Academic Reports and Academic Progress
• receive copies of the general mailing, including invitations, medical
consent forms etc.