Thank you for applying to present at the 2013 CASL Conference's Meet the Pros session! Presenters will speak to 12 people at a time around a table, for approximately 10 minutes on a program or activity from their school, like a Special Spirit Day, Elections, etc. Each presenter will speak four times.
Each presenter will receive a gift as a token of appreciation and have one more item to add to their college resume (presenter at a nationally-accredited state conference).
Please read and the guidelines and reminders below, then click next.
Requirements to present:
1. Be registered for the CASL Conference by February 22, 2013.
2. If you are a candidate for the CASL Board, you must present alone.
3. Have an e-mail account which you check daily.
4. Have a handout sheet, attached to this form as a PDF or JPG document.
5. No TVs or Projectors will be available. Presenters can bring their own laptops but should
plan on running on battery due to limited outlets.
6. Submit this application by February 22nd, 2013. Late applications will not be accepted unless given approval by Leadership Development Coordinator Sandi Kurland ( due to special circumstances.