1. Delaying the restart of play
2. Dissent by word or action
3. Entering/re-entering/leaving field of play without the referee's permission
4. Failing to respect required distance when play is restarted
5. Persistent Infringement of the LOTG
6.1 Unsporting Behaviour (USB): attempts to deceive referee
6.2 USB: Changes places with GK without referees permission
6.3 USB: Reckless foul
6.4 USB: Commits a foul that stops a promising attack
6.5 USB: Goal celebration
6.6 USB: Denis obvious goal scoring opportunity with an attemp to play the ball when referee awards a penalty
6.7 USB: Handles the ball in an attemp to score a goal or prevent a goal
6.8 USB: Makes unauthorized marks on field of play
6.9 USB: Shows lack of respect for the game
6.10 USB: Uses a deliberate trick to pass the ball (including from a free kick) to the goalkeeper to circumvent the Law
6.11 USB: Verbally distracts an opponent during play or at a restart
6.12 USB: Plays the ball when leaving the field of play
6.13 USB: Other