Dog Kennel Cleaning Checklist
Date Cleaned
Spot Cleaning
The appropriate signage was used.
The bedding was checked to make sure it was dry. The area where the dog has relieved itself was cleaned and sanitized thoroughly.
The water bowl was washed, refilled, and placed back in the kennel.
The kennels were checked to confirm they are securely locked.
The hallway was sanitized using pre-mixed disinfectant, and the drain covers were also sanitized.
The feces container was emptied, cleaned, and stored appropriately.
Full Cleaning
Suitable signage was displayed.
The kennel floor was sprayed with a hose.
Disinfectant was applied.
A Magic Eraser was used.
Beds, crates, and other items were cleaned.
The corridor was sprayed with a hose and scrubbed.
The kennels and corridor were squeegeed.
The drains were opened and cleaned.
Only the drain covers were cleaned.
List of Any Maintenance Issues
Cleaning Staff Name
First Name
Last Name
Should be Empty: