Award Application Form
The Award acknowledges a project leader that demonstrates best professional practices , including: integratability,durability, efficiency, quality.
Name of organization applying for award
Name of contact at organization
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
How does your project's site selection integrate into the existing community and encourage use of alternative and minimal impact to existing Projects?
What efficiency strategies were incorporated into your project?
How has conservation, management and maintenance been incorporated to achieve efficient and equitable use, promote and protection of resources?
What steps were taken to implement resource conservation practices into your project?
What procedural steps were taken and material selections chosen to ensure healthy standards are maintained?
Were there any unique innovations incorporated into the project that you consider relevant to sustainability?
What certifications or standards were followed during design and construction of the project?
Images and supporting documents are encouraged. You may submit up to four files. *NOTE - each file can be no larger than 500 MB. The system will reject the entire application if the file is too large.* Please submit file one here.
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