Customer Engagement Survey
First Name
Last Name
Business Email address
Phone Number
How would you rate the level of experience your customers have with your organization?
Very good
Below average
What factors prevent your organization from delivering the best possible customer experience?
We lack customer identity management capabilities
We don’t act on customer feedback and customer data as effectively as we could be
We don’t deliver seamless omnichannel customer experience (ability for customers to move easily from one communication channel to the next)
We’re not customer-focused – we're not good at delivering customer experiences by placing ourselves in the customer’s shoes
We already deliver exceptional customer experiences
How would you characterize your organization’s level of interaction with customers and business partners since COVID-19?
It has been very strong
It has been fairly strong
It has not noticeably changed
It is down slightly
It has dropped significantly
What is the primary factors that are influencing digital engagement with customers and business partners since COVID-19? Drag & drop in rank order (1=Highest; 4=Lowest)
How has COVID-19 impacted your organization’s ability to interact and collaborate with customers and business partners?
We are communicating much more frequently with our customers and business partners across a variety of channels, including voice, chat, email, and other digital channels
We are communicating slightly more often with customers and business partners across digital channels since the COVID-19 pandemic
The level of communications with customers and business partners is roughly the same as it was prior to the pandemic
We are finding it slightly more difficult to connect with customers and business partners
We are finding it much more difficult to interact with customers and business partners since the pandemic because our customer facing digital tools are not optimal for this environment
How has COVID-19 impacted your organization’s ability to accelerate to digital business channels?
It has dramatically accelerated the expansion of digital business channels
Our organization had already shifted to digital business channels, but COVID-19 accelerated the use of these channels by both our customers and business partners
We have seen a moderate increase in the use of digital business channels by both customers and business partners
We have experienced a downturn in the use of digital business channels since COVID-19
What are the primary operational or technical factors that have created challenges for your organization’s ability to interact through digital channels with customers and business partners since work-from-home went into effect?
Our inability to properly identify customers and business partners in digital channels
Challenges associated with interacting securely with customers and business partners
Organizational policies that prevent or restrict customers and business partners from utilizing specific digital tools to interact with our company (e.g. restrictions against using certain collaboration platforms)
Technical or integration issues that have limited or prevented digital communications with customers or business partners
Which of the following technologies would help your organization to address the digital interaction challenges cited in the previous questions? Drag & drop in rank order (1=Highest; 4=Lowest)
What are your expectations for physical vs. digital interactions with customers and business partners over the next two years? (Select one)
I would expect most if not all interactions with customers and business partners to take place digitally for the foreseeable future until a COVID-19 vaccine is approved and on the market,
I would expect most interactions with customers and business partners to occur via digital channels through July 2021
I would expect most interactions with customers and business partners to occur via digital channels through 2022
I would expect most interactions with customers and business partners to remain digital for years to come
I expect to see a gradual shift back to in-person, face-to-face interactions with customers and business partners as regional economies continue to open up
Should be Empty: