Buyers Questionnaire
I.About you. Click to expand/collapse
Your name
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
How would you like to stay in touch?
Please Select
II. About Your Home Search.Click to expand/collapse
How long have you been looking for a new home?
Have you seen anything that you liked?
What happened? Why didn’t you buy it?
How have you been searching? What tools, websites or methods are you using?
Have you worked with an agent?
What is the status of your relationship with the agent?
III. Your current Situation.Click to expand/collapse
Why are you wanting to make a move?
When would you like to be in your new home?
Where are you living now?
Do you need to sell your present home to make this move?
Is your present home on the market?
How much cash are you expecting to use for downpayment and closing costs?
What monthly payment (total, including taxes and insurance) would you be comfortable making?
Have you spoken to a lender and been pre-approved for financing?
If we found your dream home today, is there any reason you could not purchase it?
IV. Your current home .Click to expand/collapse
Where is your present home located?
Do you rent or own it?
Where is your work/business/study location ?
How many Bedrooms it has?
How many Bathrooms it has?
Square Footage?
Lot size?
What do you dislike about your present home?
V.Your Next Home.Click to expand/collapse
In what price range will be your next home?
What is your preferred location?
Why there?
What schools, workplaces, social activities and community amenities would you like to be near?
What is the longest hob/business/study commute you would consider?
Name three (or more) things you MUST have in your next home?
How many Bedrooms it should have?
How many Bathrooms it should have?
Square Foot?
What style/layot it should have?
Lot Size (acres)?
Should your future house have a basement?
What features you prefer to have in your next home?
What type of repairs/renovations you are ready to do after you will move in
How much you are ready to invest in repairs and remodeling ?
$0, the property should be ready to move in
Just cosmetic repairs, DYI
Small repairs, replacement of appliances ,under $1,000
Repairs, remodeling, replacement of appliances $1,000-10,000
Major repairs and remodeling , over $10,000
The property can be a FIXER UPPER project
Should be Empty: