MTA Article 9.10.1 - A bargaining unit membr shall be entitled to charge five (5) days of unused sick leave per school year to be used for any purpose which such bargaining unit member deems sufficiently important to absent himself from his/her duties. A bargaining unit member shall notify his/her principal twenty-four (24) hours in advance of taking such leave, unless an emergency makes such advance notification impossible. In no event, however, shall a bargaining unit member be required either to secure permission before utilizing such leave or to explain the purposes for which such leave was used.
CSEA Article 10.6 - A twelve-month classified bargaining unit member shall be entitled to charge six (6) days of unused sick leave per school year to be used for any purpose which such bargaining unit member deems sufficiently important to absent himself from his duties. Any bargaining uit member working less thatn twelve months shall be entitled to charge (5) days of unused sick leave per school year to be used for any purpose which such bargaining unito member deems sufficiently important to absent himself from his dutites. The bargaining unit membershall notify the supervisor at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of taking such leave, unless an emergency makes such advance notification impossible.
CSEA Artickle 10.6.1 - A "day" is defined as the bargaining uit member's regularly scheduled working hours (i.e., a ten (10) month, four (4) hour bargaining unit member will be granted five (5), four hour days.