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Concepts of Print - Choose a Level C-F book for the administration of this assessment. It should have distinct layout of print and illustrations, good spacing of words and multiple lines of text. Begin by telling the child, “I’m going to read you this story and I want you to help me. It is called _____.”
“Where is the front of the book?”
“Where is the back of the book?”
“Open the book to where the story begins.” Child can open the book to title page or first page of story.
“Show me the picture.” & “Show me the words.”
“Show me where to start reading.” If child’s response is vague, prompt, Where exactly?” Show me with your finger.” Point to the first word, read it and ask: “Where do I read after this?”
Point to the last word on the left page and ask: “Where do I read after this?
“Show me one letter.”
“Show me one word.”
“Show me the first letter in a word.”
“Show me the last letter in a word.”
Turn to a page with at least 2 lines of text. Read the top line and keeping your finger on the last word ask: “Where do I read after this?”
“Point to each word as I read this line.” Does the child follow and match text as you read?
Point to the period, tracing it with your pencil and ask: “Do you know what this is?” If so, ask: “What is this for?”
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