Configuring a 3D print job
* The most common cause of print job failures is when the bottom of an object is close to the build platform but not actually touching it. Always confirm that all your objects are touching the platform everywhere they should be.
* Be mindful of the 45 degree rule. Enable supports when necessary.
* Use a raft if the area touching the platform is small or if the object is more than twice as tall as any dimension touching the platform.
* All jobs are printed using ABS unless the PLA checkbox in this form is checked. Not all colors are available.
* Shells are the outside perimeter of an object. More shells result in a stronger object. The default of 2 shells is usually enough.
* Infill refers to the internal filling of an object. A higher infill value will result in a more solid object. So an infill value of 100 will make an object completely solid, while a 0 will make it completely hollow. The default of 10 is usually right.
* Jobs must be paid for before they can be scheduled for printing. Remember when designing that print credits are limited. Smaller jobs cost less than larger ones, and there's a 10% discount and higher overnight priority given to jobs without a specified color.
* Note: Multiple jobs are often ganged up for printing as a single large job.