INSTRUCTIONS: This form is to be used in performing the records inventory. The information recorded on this form can be used to help create an office’s File Plan. This form is to be completed by all Records Custodians and once completed, hit the "submit" button and the information will be submitted to your designated Senior Records Officer(SRO). The SRO will work with your designated Records Management Coordinator to review the information provided.
The Records Inventory IS NOT an inventory of each individual document/record. A records series is the grouping of records as it relates documents or information being grouped by a particular subject or function, resulting from the same activity, documenting a specific kind of transaction, regardless of physical form (i.e. paper, microfiche, digital photograph, MS Word document, electronic, etc.), or that have some other relationship arising out of their creation/receipt or use.
Be sure to add a line for every record series and provide the needed information about the documents but using the "Add More Records Series" button.