Student of Concern
Please fill out and submit a separate form for each student whom you have a concern about.
Your Name
Please Select
Alcantara, Jordan
Allen-Johnson, Venicia
Alokolaro, Ann
Alokolaro, Pauline
Andrews, Elizabeth
Arthur, Craig
Asui, Veronica
Babinec, Lisa
Barmore, Matt
Behrman, Alexander
Benjamin, Stephanie
Bernal, Bei
Bernard, Andy
Borgen, Liz
Bost, Sarah
Boyle, Jolene
Brennan, Liz
Brown, Stephen
Burks, Matthew
Burns, Becky
Butler, Matt
Carter, Kenyetta
Chism, Wesley
Coluccio, Susan
Covarrubias, Uli
Cross, Kamaul
Cruess, Brian
Curtin, Joanna
Danielson, Michael
Dawson, Heather
Didovets, Lyubov
Didovets, Valery
Dietrich, Phil
Dmitriev, Sue
Dold, Melissa
Dotsey, Jen
Durand, Mike
Eagan, Peter
Ellinger, Dave
Elsner, Brian
Emerson, Granville
Engel, Max
Evans, Alice
Fellows, Bill
Fernandez, Lisa
Fields, Teresa
Fisher, Sheree
Ford, Rachel
Foster, Xiaofeng
Foy, Sandra
Freeburg, Katrina
Freeman, Jennifer
Frisby, Mark
Goodwin, Kate
Hall, Michelle
Healy, Cheryl
Hendricks, Andy
Hendricks, Shannon
Hickey, Kent
Hogan, Emmet
Hurley, Chris
James, Payton
Johnson, Emma
Johnston, Jim
Kellett, Tom
Kelly, Michael
Kheriaty, Jenell
Khouri, Kyri
Kiehn, Chris
Kipp, Kristina
Kramer, Anne
Krueger, Kathy
Larson, Taylor
Le, Brian
Leaverton, Susan
Lovejoy, Catherine
Luby, Erin
Mack, Brian
Madaschi, Kim
Madison, Kate
Mallaganes, Josh
Mallahan, Sheila
Martin, Jose
Massoth, Mike
Matthews, Laurie
Maul, Aaron
McCarthy, Andy
McNeill, Deana
Meas, Aara
Melonson, Regina
Menorath, Pinky
Merritt, Cheryl
Meza, Brian
Mitchell, Mark
Mobarek, Yasmina
Murphy, Heather
Navarro, Concha
Nguyen, Tom
Niggemeyer, Mike
O'Neil, Janet
Othman, Adam
Pankau, Virginia
Pasztor, Marta
Peterhans, Paul
Petty, Anne
Prajapati, Sampurna
Prince, Joe
Rallanka, Ryan
Reichl, Jenny
Richardson, Micah
Ritchie, Val
Rochon, Kirsti
Rosato, Dominic
Rosellini, Barrymore
Sauvage, Ben
Scott, Deino
Sengsavang, Khaisy
Shoultz, Sven
Slack, Cait
Slevin, Ann Marie
Smith, David
Stanko, Kerry
Stearns, Rich
Sullivan, Marcene
Tobin, Catherine
Tobin, Daniel
Tordillos, Kristen
Tucker, Violette
Vickrey, Gina
Vincenzo, Jill
Walker, Andrew
Weeks, Elliot
White, Melissa
Wong, Natalie
Wood, Daniel
Worsham, Jessica
Young, Kelly
Zhao, Lingling
Your email address (you will get a receipt of your submission)
Student Grade Level
Please Select
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
Student Name - 9
Please Select
Alindogan, Ivan
Almario, Paolo
Amrofell, Amelia
Ando, Madeleine
Armstrong, Thomas
Arnold, Alden
Ashenafi, Solomon
Babinec-Thompson, Archie
Baldwin, Abby
Barton, Pierson
Beardemphl, Jacob
Bentley, Clare
Berard, Ava
Betzer, Gabrielle
Bianchi, Jack
Blank, Jacob
Bonjrada, Sofia
Boyd, Reeve
Bransier, Maya
Brennan, Kathryn
Bui, Thuy Vi
Burrows, Amelie
Cagan, Jameson
Cahill, John
Campbell, Myles
Cannon, Brendan
Cannon, Bridget
Catorcini, Daniel
Chamberland, Amalia
Chandler, Rees
Charles, Elizabeth
Christian, Carly
Christian, Filip
Clapp, Evelyn
Coleman, John
Colleran, Joseph
Collins, Margaret
Cook, Charles
Cravy, Sophia
Cronk, Delaney
Cross, Parker
Cutner, Nina
Davis, Shanti
De Lucas Sacristan, Alvaro
DeGroot, Hannah
Dermody, Finley
Deskins, Shea
Diefendorf, Katherine
Doggett, Timothy
Donahue, Finnegan
Doran, Mary
Dunfield, Nathan
Ellinger-Keith, Eliza
Floyd, Riley
Floyd, Tyler
Flynn, Clare
Frauenheim, Bridget
Frazzini, Peter
Frosaker, Matthew
Garces, Jack
Garcia, Isaiah
Gemma, Natalie
Go, Jeffrey Peter
Gooding, Liv
Green, Elizabeth
Gwynn, Margot
Hamblett, Audrey
Hamer, Roscoe
Hansot, Frances
Hansot, Stella
Hayes, Cole
Hayre, Sophia
Heffernan, Torin
Heim, Kiera
Heisler, Jackson
Henderson, Allison
Hill, Chloe
Hirst, Karsten
Hissong, Paloma
Holloway, Jayden
Howard, Alex
Hsiung, Lani
Hunt, Kenneth
Hunter, Owen
Hurley, Jane
Johnson, Andrew
Jones, Apollo
Joy, Carter
Kannier, Fiona
Kennedy, Rose
Kennedy, Sophia
King, Christian
King, Kaitlyn
Kratz, Connor
Krische, Ellen
Krische, Julia
Krueger, Ava
Kudo, Cocoro
Kyle, Payton
LaMotte, Charles
Lansing, Lauren
Largen, Alexander
Lawlor, Caden
Leardi, Sydney
Leddy, Luke
Lee, Connor
Lee, Simon
Lind, Maya
Lindsay, Brooke
Malzewski, Luke
Martinez, Francis
Mason, Stuart
Matter, Katherine
Matthews, Isabella
Matthews, Nicholas
McDowall, Cora
McDowall, Jessica
McGowan, Matthew
McNeill, Catherine
Mendenhall, Hailey
Metcalf, Andrew
Michael, Lydia
Miles, Robert
Miller, Natalie
Miner, Francis
Moorhead, Isabel
Moran, Mackenzie
Moricz, Julius
Mounir, Rita
Mrus, Drew
Murphy, Timothy
Nabaie, Sean
Nelson, Wyatt
Nettles, Emmilyn
Ngo, Laura
Nguyen, Christy
Northcott Johnson, Annelise
Ocampo, Mason
O'Connell, Sarah
Olivar, Nicolas
O'Meara, Kieran
Owens, Virginia
Park, Jordan
Pasco, Olivia
Pedersen, Reagan
Pickel, Nick
Popp, Elle
Preston, Olivia
Purnomo, David
Ramirez, Meryl
Remington, Mason
Richardson, Osai
Roberts, Anna
Rodriguez, Rosario
Roedel, Andrew
Roske, Anne
Roth, Hanna
Rothrock, Grace
Royce, Benjamin
Ruelos, Alexandria
Russell, Timothy
Ryder, Zoe
Salentine, Sophia
Santacruz, Rodrigo
Scelfo, Taylor
Schmidt, Miles
Scholten, Saskia
Schrock, Carolyn
Schwab, Dashiell
Sevigny, Jackson
Sevilla, Estelle
Sharma, Ronish
Shigo, Margaret
Slavin, John
Smirl, Carter
Smith, Gabriel
Somers, Ryan
Steele, Louis
Stephens, Mark
Stewart, Hayes
Tanumihardja, Gabriel
Teamrat, Feruz
Teshome, Dagmawi
Thornock, Colin
Todd, Eamonn
Torres, Kendall
Trinen, Cian
Trius, Miles
Tucker, Mackenzie
Turner, Jane
Unbehend, Jenna
Wagner, Cole
Walsh, Noelle
Waltz, Frances
Westby, Porter
Winegardner, Maren
Winnard, Olivia
Wong, Raquel
Wood, Julia
Student Name - 10
Please Select
Alexander, Katelyn
Anderson, Nora
Arthur, Drew
Austin, Lucas
Aviles-Baquero, Jose
Bannecker, Joseph
Beer, Madeleine
Beer, Zoë
Bell, Liam
Bilger, Aidan
Bindel, Flore
Black, Elijah
Bogle, Kylee
Bollich, Elizabeth
Bollich, William
Bonilla, Elena
Bosler, Lainey
Bowman, Greta
Brant, Lauren
Brecht, Lily
Brown, Mason
Burton, Allison
Bushfield, Theodore
Cahill, Ainsley
Calvert, John
Castillo-Cayón, Daniela
Chalmers, Sydney
Cochran, Abigail
Conaty, Nora
Conklin, Maxwell
Conn, Desmond
Cross, Nathaniel Isaac
Cunningham, Grant
Dagmawi, Mussie
Davis, Maria
de Vere White, Rory
Deasy, Annabelle
deGuzman, Alaina
Deines, John
Dickey, Faith
Docktor, Sophie
Dotson, Ava
Eagan, Flora
Elliott, Quinn
Ephrem, Betania
Faricy, Daniel
Ferro, Sophia
Galindo-Navarro, Gabriel
Gamroth, Justin
Ganz, Giancarlo
Gent, Conor
Gent, Patrick
Gladnick, Andrew
Golden, Christopher
Greene, Dominic
Gregg, Anne Marie
Gude, Alexander
Gunderson, Alexia
Hamblet, Sally
Hamilton, Lucas
Hanlon, Audra
Harding, Zachary
Harnetiaux, Austin
Harnett, Ethan
Hauck, Zachary
Hawkes, Sophia
Hegedus, Hobbs
Himes, Anna
Hoang, Ryan
Hoffman, Dyllan
Holloway, Ian
Iversen, Callie
Jackman, Isabel
Jang, Matthew
Johnson, Madeline
Johnson, Reed
Jurion, Benoit
Kain, Lucy
Kaiser, Elizabeth
Kammereck, Elsa
Kasota, Aiyanah
Keaton, Joseph
Kenefick, Sara
Kerr, Stephen
Kessler, Hailey
Killalea, Ailbhe
Kitiona, Aveoleila
Klein, Kennedy
Knifong, Sophie
Kosiara, Hayden
Kraft, Katherine
Krikawa, Liam
Lain-Hedden, Samuel
Larkin, James
Lauinger, Katherine
Le, Megan
Lee, Margaret
Limp, Duncan
Limp, Dylan
Linke, Grace
Loor, Gael
Lovejoy, Sophia
Mack, Quinnan
Marinkovic, Neven
Martinez, Sule
Maul, Ellison
May, Isabel
May, Isaiah
May, Theodore
McGee, Finley
McGee, Samuel
McLaughlin, Katherine
Melder, Eric
Millan, Alessandro
Miller, Ian
Miller, Maia
Mirante, Vito
Mitchke, Wyatt
Morrell, Ryan
Mrus, Tyler
Mullally, George
Nakata, Emi
Nelson, Mia
Nguyen, David
Nguyen, Michael
Nisbet, Emma
Nolan, Abigail
Obaob, Beatrice Anne
O'Donnell, John
O'Donoghue-McDonald, Lillian
Oest-Larsen, Kate
Olukoya, Daniel
O'Neill, Connor
Orejana, Ian
Orleth, Heide
Parent, Hudson
Pehl, Charles
Pickar, Piper Sydney
Pillar, Kelvin
Podany, Ava
Polzin, Thomas Andrew
Poythress, Anika
Randall, Camille
Read, Elizabeth
Reyes, Matthew Alexander
Ricard, Gustave
Ridgeway, Katherine
Roberts, Anna
Roberts, Benjamin
Robinson, Cole
Rothrock, Matthew
Rulyak, Owen
Russo, Maria
Sanches, Marcus
Santacruz, Daniel
Sauvage, Margaret
Sauvage, Roger
Schimmelman, Will
Sekhar, Daniela
Shigo, Elizabeth
Shimizu, Sydney
Shoemaker, Jackson
Shoultz, Sawyer
Silva-Soria, Ashley
Simmons, Ava
Simmons, Sunny
Smith, Braeden
Smith, Macdonald
Spencer, Causey
Stuart, Gabriella
Swanson, Sally
Ta, Mary
Tessin, Dylan
Thies, Carson
Tomici, Marcus
Toni, Kate
Tramountanas, John
Tran, Max
Vandenburgh, Karin
Vaouli, Bill
Velling, Jack
Vimal, Alice Thynese
Wagner, Clare
Walters, Sophie
Wilwerding, Abigail
Wiseman, Henry
Witter, Franklin
Woodward, Jayce
Wyatt, Camden
Wylie, Aidan
Zaboukos, Sophia
Zhang, Justin
Student Name - 11
Please Select
Alexander, Kendin
Allen, Abigail
Allen, Katherine
Allison, Ava
Alston, Garrett
Ambuske, Ava
Amesquita, Emily
Anandam, Arnav
Anderson, Ella
Anderson, Marquis
Asfaw, Amelia
Austin, Benjamin
Austin, Erik
Baker, Caroline
Battle, Alexandra
Becker, Isabel
Bender, Henry
Bevan, Molly
Blair, Jack
Blank, Anne
Bocek, Ashley
Bonjrada, Marco
Boyd, Grear
Bransier, Julian
Broderson, Jane
Brown, Amanda
Brown, Cecelia
Bruce, Kathryn
Brunette, Gracyn
Buckner, Quinn
Bui, Thuy Linh
Burton, Charles
Byers, Evangeline
Cababa Wood, Dario
Carlesimo, Kyle
Carlson, Samuel
Casey, Caroline
Cole, Oliver
Coles, Michel
Colleran, Emily
Condon, Carly
Connell, Grace
Cooney, Grace
Cooney, Joseph
Couwenberg, Jack
Cravy, Taylor
Cronk, Larson
Davila, Agnes
Davis, Roderic
Davis, Rowan
Dawson, Maya
DeLora, Raven
Dennehy, Nolan
Diaz, Greyson
Dixon, William
Dorscht, McKenna
Dotson, Cody
Dubicki, Reese
Ederer, William
Elsbree, Ian
Emert, Abigail
Emmerich, Hannah
Erickson, Shane
Ezeonu, Chike
Felton, Margaret
Flanagan, Eva
Flennaugh, Jaden
Flores, Tia Valerie
Foley, Grace
Frauenheim, Margo
Frosaker, William
Gamroth, Will
Garcia-Camargo, Diego
Gauvin, Lydia
Graham, Andrew
Gratzer, Ella
Green, Margaret
Gruen, Ella
Guarda Vazquez, Eva
Gwynn, Charles
Hampton, Ike
Hanley, Jake
Hansch, Jakob
Hansot, Noah
Hardie, Camille
Harris, Hannah
Hazzard, Claudia
Heinen, Tyler
Hendry, Eleanor
Hernandez, Jalen
Hissong, Derek
Hoover, Kenji
Huey, Ethan
Humes, Jennifer
Hyde, Michael
Igielski, Ariel
Jennings, Liam
Johnson, Brody
Jones, Donovan
Joy, Lekha
Kelly, Bevin
King, Sophia
Kisielius, Tomas
Kopp, Dillon
Kouhia, Anders
Kounellas, Carolyn
Kramer, Monica
Kuebler, Nicolas
La, Kevin
Landerholm, Peter
Lane, Markus
Lansing, Noah
Lapke, Luisa
Larson, Robert
Leahy, Meredith
Lemus-Sodji, Cassandra
Levinger, Andrew
Lew, Mei-lin
Lindsay, Carlie
Lindsay, Kate
Little, Kai
Lugo, Alianna
Lugo, Elizabeth
Malone, Clara
Manning, Olivia
Martynovych, Aleksandra
Matter, John
Mauricio, Zerelda
McBride, London
McDowall, Sophie
McGarry, Kelly
McNally, Reese
McNaull, Henry
McNett, Catherine
Meighan, Mia
Merz, Connor
Miller, Bennett
Miller, Lydia
Moffitt, Molly
Mooney, Madeline
Munko, Kyle
Nelson, Owen
Nicholls, Georgina
Nichols, Paden
Nowak, Natalie
Nyberg, David
Olivera, Victoria
O'Meara, Chloe
Osterman, Cameron
Peyton, Caroline
Pham, Adora
Pham, Felix
Poppe, Natalie
Porter, Benjamin
Potts, Genevieve
Purnell, William
Reed, Brighton
Richmond, Olivia
Romero, Gustavo
Rosario, Anthony
Ross, Colten
Royce, Lauren
Roza, Adeline
Roznos, Jared
Russell, Nathan
Saharic, Alexandra
Sakay, Mina
Saludares, Matthew
Schrock, Lewis
Schultz, James
Schwartz, Eva
Scukas, Andrew
Shearer, Michaela
Shields, Luke
Shields, Maya
Shoemaker, Aidan
Slavin, Lauren
Smith, Alexanderia
Smith, Halle
Stanley, Paige
Stricklin, Tamia
Svensson-Stewart, Elle
Swan, Isabella
Sype, Jacob
Tawatao, Grace
Thompson, William
Tinder, Kai
Trius, Isaac
Vaouli-Buchanan, Alijah
Weigand, Cara
Weld, Blake
Wellington, Rieko
Whitman, Ava
Whitney, Bryce
Williams, Garrett
Willson, Luke
Winemiller, Christina
Wingo, Natalie
Wood, Piper
Yohannes, Tensae
Younker, Ryan
Zepeda, Mary
Zink, Tessa
Student Name - 12
Please Select
Abadir, Marian
Abenojar, Francis Dean
Aiona, Andrew
Alderman, Claire
Alinger, Nicholas
Anderson, Gracia
Anderson, Isabella
Anderson, Roxanne
Aurand, Remo
Baker, Dylan
Beer, John
Bentley, John
Berger, Cyrus
Bernal, Juliana Therese
Bertucci, Lily
Best, Doyin
Bjornson, Sarah
Boehm, Lauren
Bonnet, Yale
Bosler, Marlane
Brant, Grace
Brendlinger, Lilian
Brinton, Kevin
Burgess-Alm, Haley
Burks, Mason
Busch Isaksen, Sophia
Cahill, Keeley
Carr, Kellen
Cavanaugh, Jonah
Chavez Martinez, Rosy
Chen, Matthew
Clancy, Katherine
Collins, Catherine
Conaty, Maeve
Cook, Emily
Costea, Emanuel
Cruz-Vanegas, Walid
Daniels, Rishi
Day, Lauren
Day, Ryan
De La Torre-Evans, Katherine
Deasy, Madeline
del Valle, Wyatt
Diego, Karysma
Docktor, Hannah
Driscoll, Jonathan
Dubicki, Cole
Dublin, Clara
Duong, Amy
Dytioco, Danica Rochelle
Eagan, Imogene
Faricy, Nicholas
Feigin, Liam
Filarski, Claire
Fletcher, Lucas
Flor, Tessa
Friedland, Jordan
Frigon, Audrey
Gale, Malcolm
Gellock, Sofia
Gent, Owen
Ghali, Maya
Goldsmith, Nolan
Gratzer, Audrey
Gray, Victoria
Green, Allyson
Greene, Anastasia
Griffin, Calder
Grimm, Charles
Grossman, Emma
Gutierrez, Andrea
Hamblet, Todd
Hancock, Nathaniel
Haskin, Milay
Hauck, Marie
Hays, Ryne
Hendrix, Gage
Hoang, Kyle
Hoffman, Mason
Holmes, William
Hopps, Wanjiku
Jensen, Leigh
Johnson, Tess
Joy, Leighton
Jurion, Sophie
Kain, Joe
Kammereck, Karl
Kearney, Emily
Kerr, Molly
Kessler, Katherine
Killalea, Fiona
Klein, Cooper
Krueger, Christian
Laigo, Gabriel
Lain-Hedden, Alexandra
Lamb, Meredith
Lange, Victoria
Law, Annalise
Leahy, Colleen
Ledesma, Olivia
Leischner, Jacob
Lico, Catherine
Lynch, Riley
Lynch, Ryan
Maggiore, Gabriel
Mah, Christine
Maw, Mary
McAuslan, Olivia
Means, Henry
Messner, Elisabeth
Minter, Carmendrea
Mott, Kennedy
Mounir, Aisha
Mulligan, Lauren
Munar, Paul Le Roy
Nenke, Eliza
Ngo, Kathleen
Nguyen, Michelle
Noffsinger, Rex
Nolan, Emily
Oles, Julia
Paris-Moe, Gabriel
Pehl, Henry
Pepper, Milo
Perrin, Soleil
Petro, Emily
Podany, Jacob
Porter, Ellen
Proano, Michael
Quintanal-Paez, Gael
Rasmussen, Rachel
Ribas, Marc
Riccio, Benjamin
Riley, Connor
Robinson, Joseph
Robinson, Thomas
Russin, Janet
Santos-Magee, Marianna
Sarmiento-Velasco, Aileen
Schliesman, Noah
Schrock, Maxwell
Shields, Matthew
Shigo, Katherine
Shoemaker, Evan
Simmons, Helen
Simon, Sofia
Skogland, Eric
Smirl, Emma
Smith, Abigail
Smith, Maria Veronica
Smith, Nathan
Somers, Maya
Sommerville, Kellie
Stephens, Jocelyn
Stoner, John
Swanborn, Charles
Swegle, Stephanie
Sylvia, Grace
Ta, Trinity
Taylor, Michael
Teshome, Robel
Thieme, Spencer
Tindall, Cameron
Tjandra, Phyllicia
Todd, Claire
Toepel, Regan
Touw, Cameron
Tramountanas, Emmanuel
Waltner, Magdalena
Wardian, Noelle
Warnock, Maya
Wathen, Lucas
Weiand, Grace
Wellman, Madeline
Welp, Nicholas
Williams, Jacqueline
Willing, Alexis
Winnard, Elias
Woodward, William
Zamberlin, Maximilian
Zipperer, Maxwell
Please Select
Block 0:AP Computer Science A;Rosato, Dominic
Block 1:Choir;Weeks, Elliot
Block 1:AP Studio Art;Dold, Melissa
Block 1:Bellarmine Collegio;Mitchell & Hogan
Block 1:Gonzaga Collegio;Slevin & Butler
Block 1:Loyola Collegio;Dotsey & Slack
Block 1:Xavier Collegio;Vincenzo & Richardson
Block 1:Life Fitness I;Ritchie, Val
Block 1:Strength & Conditioning;Scott, Deino
Block 1:Geometry;Ellinger, Dave
Block 1:Algebra 2/Trig;Young, Kelly
Block 1:Honors Alg 2/Trig;Engel, Max
Block 1:Pre-Calculus (H);Freeman, Jennifer
Block 1:Pre-Calculus;Eagan, Peter
Block 1:Accelerated Chemistry;Coluccio, Susan
Block 1:Chemistry;Alokolaro, Pauline
Block 1:Anatomy & Physiology;Meza, Brian
Block 1:AP Environmental Sciencep;Tordillos, Kristen
Block 1:AP European History;Hendricks, Andy
Block 1:AP Government & Politics;Arthur, Craig
Block 1:Study Hall;Allen-Johnson, Venicia
Block 1:Scripture/Morality;Kramer, Anne
Block 1:Junior Theology;Peterhans, Paul
Block 1:Junior Theology;Danielson, Michael
Block 1:World Religions;McNeill, Deana
Block 1:Foundations of Spanish 2;Martin, Jose
Block 1:German 2;Reichl, Jenny
Block 1:Spanish 2;Navarro, Concha
Block 1:Chinese 3;Foster, Xiaofeng
Block 1:German 3;Khouri, Kyri
Block 2:Art 1;Danielson, Michael
Block 2:Art 1;Weeks, Elliot
Block 2:Filmmaking & Video Production;Othman, Adam
Block 2:Drawing;Dold, Melissa
Block 2:Hopkins Collegio;Leaverton & Hendricks
Block 2:Kostka Collegio;Babinec & Richardson
Block 2:Rahner Collegio;Slevin & Arthur
Block 2:Teilhard Collegio;Vincenzo & Hogan
Block 2:AP English Lit.;Mitchell, Mark
Block 2:Poetry & Fiction Writing;Kiehn, Chris
Block 2:Health and Exercise;Sullivan, Marcene
Block 2:Health and Exercise;Ritchie, Val
Block 2:Health and Wellness;Smith, David
Block 2:Intermediate Algebra;Stanko, Kerry
Block 2:Intermediate Algebra;Rosato, Dominic
Block 2:Geometry;Ellinger, Dave
Block 2:Geo. (H);Eagan, Peter
Block 2:Honors Alg 2/Trig;Freeman, Jennifer
Block 2:AP Calculus AB;Pasztor, Marta
Block 2:Accelerated Chemistry;Alokolaro, Pauline
Block 2:Biology;Vickrey, Gina
Block 2:Chemistry;Coluccio, Susan
Block 2:Chemistry;Niggemeyer, Mike
Block 2:Anatomy & Physiology;Meza, Brian
Block 2:AP Physics C;Kipp, Kristina
Block 2:AP Government & Politics;Healy, Cheryl
Block 2:Study Hall;Allen-Johnson, Venicia
Block 2:Scripture/Morality;Rallanka, Ryan
Block 2:Faith in Action;Dotsey, Jen
Block 2:Psych. of Relating;Peterhans, Paul
Block 2:Chinese 2;Foster, Xiaofeng
Liturgy/Study:Music Ministry;Rallanka, Ryan
Liturgy/Study: Liturgy Study Hall;Allen-Johnson, Venicia
Block 3:Drawing;Petty, Anne
Block 3:Adv. Film Making & Video Pro;Othman, Adam
Block 3:Hopkins Collegio;Leaverton
Block 3:Kostka Collegio;Babinec & Richardson
Block 3:Rahner Collegio;Slevin & Arthur
Block 3:Teilhard Collegio; Vincenzo & Hogan
Block 3:Contemporary Lit;Kiehn, Chris
Block 3:Health and Exercise;Smith, David
Block 3:Health and Wellness;Maul, Aaron
Block 3:Strength & Conditioning;Sullivan, Marcene
Block 3:Intermediate Algebra;Rosato, Dominic
Block 3:Geometry;Young, Kelly
Block 3:Geo. (H);Eagan, Peter
Block 3:Algebra 2/Trig;Stanko, Kerry
Block 3:Honors Alg 2/Trig;Freeman, Jennifer
Block 3:Pre-Calculus (H);Pasztor, Marta
Block 3:Accelerated Chemistry;Coluccio, Susan
Block 3:Biology;Vickrey, Gina
Block 3:Biology (H);Mallahan, Sheila
Block 3:Chemistry (H);Murphy, Heather
Block 3:Physics;Kipp, Kristina
Block 3:AP Macroeconomics;Elsner, Brian
Block 3:AP Government & Politics ;Healy, Cheryl
Block 3:Contemp. World Problems;Slack, Cait
Block 3:Study Hall;Allen-Johnson, Venicia
Block 3:Foundations of Faith;McNeill, Deana
Block 3:Scripture/Morality;Kramer, Anne
Block 3:Spanish 1;Brown, Stephen
Block 3:Spanish 2;Navarro, Concha
Block 3:Spanish 2;Martin, Jose
Block 4:Art 1;Othman, Adam
Block 4:Art 1;Weeks, Elliot
Block 4:Jogues Collegio;Babinec & Butler
Block 4:Juana Collegio;Kiehn & Healy
Block 4:Marquette Collegio;Barmore & Hendricks
Block 4:Regis Collegio;Leaverton & Slack
Block 4:Life Fitness II;Ritchie, Val
Block 4:Intermediate Algebra;Stanko, Kerry
Block 4:Geometry;Young, Kelly
Block 4:Introduction to Pre-Calculus;Engel, Max
Block 4:Pre-Calculus;Eagan, Peter
Block 4:Precalculus;Rosato, Dominic
Block 4:Biology;Vickrey, Gina
Block 4:Biology;Meza, Brian
Block 4:Chemistry (H);Murphy, Heather
Block 4:AP Biology;Johnston, Jim
Block 4:AP Environmental Science;Tordillos, Kristen
Block 4:Physics;Kipp, Kristina
Block 4:Study Hall;Allen-Johnson, Venicia
Block 4:Foundations of Faith;McNeill, Deana
Block 4:Foundations of Faith;Kramer, Anne
Block 4:Junior Theology Mack, Brian
Block 4:Junior Theology;Peterhans, Paul
Block 4:Chinese 1;Foster & Zhao
Block 4:Spanish 1;Navarro & Covarrubias
Block 4:Spanish 3;Martin, Jose
Block 4:Spanish 103UW;Brown, Stephen
Block 4:German 4;Khouri, Kyri
Block 5:Art 1;Othman, Adam
Block 5:Art 1;Danielson, Michael
Block 5:Choir;Weeks, Elliot
Block 5:Printmaking;Dold, Melissa
Block 5:Jogues Collegio;Babinec & Butler
Block 5:Juana Collegio;Kiehn & Healy
Block 5:Marquette Collegio; Barmore & Hendricks
Block 5:Regis Collegio; Leaverton & Slack
Block 5:AP English Lit.;Mitchell, Mark
Block 5:Writing for College;Vincenzo, Jill
Block 5:Health and Exercise;Ritchie, Val
Block 5:Strength & Conditioning;Durand, Mike
Block 5:Algebra 2/Trig;Stanko, Kerry
Block 5:Honors Alg 2/Trig;Engel, Max
Block 5:Pre-Calculus;Rosato, Dominic
Block 5:AP Statistics;Ellinger, Dave
Block 5:Calculus;Pasztor, Marta
Block 5:Accelerated Chemistry;Alokolaro, Pauline
Block 5:Biology (H);Tordillos, Kristen
Block 5:AP Biology;Vickrey, Gina
Block 5:AP Chemistry;Murphy, Heather
Block 5:Physics;Kipp, Kristina
Block 5:Study Hall;Allen-Johnson, Venicia
Block 5:Foundations of Faith;Kramer, Anne
Block 5:Junior Theology;Peterhans, Paul
Block 5:Foundations of Spanish 1;Luby, Erin
Block 5:German 1;Reichl, Jenny
Block 5:Spanish 1 (H);Covarrubias, Uli
Block 5:Spanish 1;Brown, Stephen
Block 5:French 4;Mobarek, Yasmina
Block 6:Digital Photography;Petty, Anne
Block 6:Jazz & Popular Ensemble;Bost, Sarah
Block 6:Printmaking;Dold, Melissa
Block 6:Bellarmine Collegio;Mitchell & Hogan
Block 6:Gonzaga Collegio;Slevin & Butler
Block 6:Loyola Collegio;Dotsey & Slack
Block 6:Xavier Collegio;Vincenzo & Richardson
Block 6:EngComp: DivVoices;Freeman, Jennifer
Block 6:Health and Wellness;Maul, Aaron
Block 6:Life Fitness I;Smith, David
Block 6:Life Fitness I;Sullivan, Marcene
Block 6:Strength & Conditioning;Durand, Mike
Block 6:Geometry;Young, Kelly
Block 6:Alg. II;Engel, Max
Block 6:AP Calculus AB;Pasztor, Marta
Block 6:AP Calculus BC;Ellinger, Dave
Block 6:Accelerated Chemistry;Alokolaro, Pauline
Block 6:Chemistry;Coluccio, Susan
Block 6:Chemistry;Niggemeyer, Mike
Block 6:AP Environmental Science;Tordillos, Kristen
Block 6:AP Government & Politics;Arthur, Craig
Block 6:Study Hall;Allen-Johnson, Venicia
Block 6:Scripture/Morality;Hickey, Kent
Block 6:Junior Theology;Covarrubias, Uli
Block 6:Junior Theology;Danielson, Michael
Block 6:French 2;Mobarek, Yasmina
Block 6:German 2;Khouri, Kyri
Block 6:Spanish 3;Martin, Jose
Block 6:Spanish 103UW;Brown, Stephen
Block 6:Spanish 201 UW ;Navarro, Concha
Block 7:Art 1;Dold, Melissa
Block 7:Art 1;Weeks, Elliot
Block 7:Acting 1;Othman, Adam
Block 7:Contemporary Lit;Kiehn, Chris
Block 7:Satire and Comedy;Mitchell, Mark
Block 7:Shakespeare;Barmore, Matt
Block 7:Health and Wellness;Smith, David
Block 7:Strength & Conditioning;Durand, Mike
Block 7:Life Fitness II;Ritchie,Val
Block 7:Life Fitness II;Sullivan, Marcene
Block 7:Geometry;Ellinger, Dave
Block 7:Geo. (H);Eagan, Peter
Block 7:Algebra 2/Trig;Stanko, Kerry
Block 7:Algebra 2/Trig;Young, Kelly
Block 7:Honors Alg 2/Trig;Engel, Max
Block 7:Pre-Calculus (H);Freeman, Jennifer
Block 7:Biology;Vickrey, Gina
Block 7:Biology;Meza, Brian
Block 7:Biology (H);Tordillos, Kristen
Block 7:Chemistry;Coluccio, Susan
Block 7:Chemistry (H);Murphy, Heather
Block 7:Chemistry (H);Alokolaro, Pauline
Block 7:Study Hall;Allen-Johnson, Venicia
Block 7:Junior Theology;Covarrubias, Uli
Block 7:East/West Meditation;Peterhans, Paul
Block 7:Faith in Action;Bernal, Bei
Block 7:Psych. of Relating;Danielson, Michael
Block 7:German 1;Reichl, Jenny
Block 7:Spanish 1;Navarro, Concha
Block 7:Spanish 2 (H);Brown, Stephen
Block 7:Spanish 2;Martin, Jose
Block 7:French 3;Mobarek, Yasmina
Block 7:German 3;Khouri, Kyri
Block 7:Jr Study Hall;Borgen, Liz
Window:Conversational Chinese 4;Foster, Xiaofeng
Window:Art Club;Dold, Melissa
Window:Vocal Ensemble;Weeks, Elliot
Window:Instrumental Music / Pep Band;Bost, Sarah
Window:Film Club;Othman, Adam
Window:Confectionary Class;Tucker, Violette
Window:Intro to Computer Science;Coluccio, Susan
Window:Journalism;Richardson, Micah
Window:Yearbook;Danielson, Michael
Window:Weight Training;Durand, Mike
Window:US Court & Trial;Freeman & Hendricks
Window:AP US History;Arthur, Craig
Window:Peer Min;Mack, Brian
Window:Study Hall;Allen-Johnson, Venicia
Listed by Block
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