David Suzuki Secondary School Locker Agreement
Lockers and locks are the property of the Peel District School Board and are assigned to students for the storage of books, coats and other personal items. In accepting a locker at David Suzuki, it is your responsibility to:
- use only the locker and lock to which you were assigned. All requests for a change of any sort must be directed to the main office.
- keep your lock combination private (except if sharing your locker with an assigned locker partner).
- avoid bringing valuables to school and never leave your possessions unattended.
- report any maintenance/vandalism regarding your locker to the main office.
- keep your locker clean, neat and orderly. Do not write or put tape of any sort on the locker walls or the inside or outside of the door
- refrain from visiting your locker during the lunch hours.vacate your locker prior to the June Final Exams.
Students should be aware that the administration may inspect any locker at any time if it is deemed necessary.
To promote security, memorize your locker combination.