By giving consent herewith, I agree to let Healthspace (PTY) Ltd ("Healthspace"/"we/us") retain and/or host my personal information and medical history on our Website and consent to my personal information and medical history being viewed by my healthcare professional(s).
[Complete terms and conditions and privacy policy are available at https:/]
1. • My Personal Information - These are items of personal information that will be retained by Healthspace and viewable on the Website by my healthcare professional
• My Electronic Health Record - These are the details of my medical history that I consent to let my healthcare professional enter on my electronic health record on the Website:
1.1 My medical condition: My general state of health, as well as any conditions I suffer from, including chronic conditions;
1.2 Test results: Any test results relating to my medical condition;
1.3 Relevant information: Any other information my healthcare professional may deem as relevant in helping me to manage my medical condition.
2. To whom does Healthspace disclose this information?
2.1 Healthcare Professionals: My healthcare professional has access to my personal and medical information. In addition you may authorise other registered healthcare professionals registered on the Website to have access to my personal and medical information on the Website; and
2.2 Healthspace: as the operator of the Website on which my personal and medical information is stored, they have access to my personal and medical information.
3. What Healthspace does with this information?
3.1 The personal and medical information provided by me and my healthcare professional is used to create a "Patient Profile" that allows both me and my healthcare professional to access and view my patient file information stored on the Website which may include but is not limited to information relating to:
3.1.1 my diagnosis and/or medical condition(s);
3.1.2 treatment provided to me by my healthcare professional;
3.1.3 medicines prescribed to me by my healthcare professional;
3.1.4 clinical notes drafted by my healthcare professional; and
3.1.5 results of any medical tests.
By marking the appropriate button below I confirm that:
1. I agree to and understand the terms of this Consent Form.
2. I give consent that a "Patient Profile" may be created for me by MySexualHealth with a generic password
3. I confirm that I will change this generic password for my "Patient Profile" upon receipt of my registration email to ensure the security of my medical information.