$100 per player
Intermediate Competition at Saxton Stadium
Starts: Monday 7th May 2018
Monday night at Saxton Stadium 4pm – 8.30pm.
No Mouthguard, No Play!!
Players must be in correct uniform, top & shorts, to take the court
4 x 8 minutes, stop clock for everything except line violations. The clock stops on all whistles for the last 2 minutes of the game. 1 minute between quarters and 2 minutes half time. One time out of 30 seconds per quarter.
The score sheet needs to be filled in by coach/manager 10 minutes before the game starts (Score sheets can be found on the desk to your right as you enter the court area).
Team A (first on the draw) sits to the left of score table and Team B to the right.
Draw and results will be emailed to team contacts and draws posted at both Jack Robins stadium and on the NBA noticeboard at Saxton Stadium (in the foyer)
Only players and coaches on the team bench please - SPECTATORS SIT AT THE END OF THE COURTS.
Referees will be provided for the first games of the night and hopefully throughout, however if we have 4 courts running we may need coaches/managers to help out on occasions.
Duty: Each team to provide 2 people to cover (clock, scorer, scoresheet). Teams playing the last game of the night can help clean up and pack up.