4D Peer Supervisor Supervision Note
This note is to be filled out every time a supervisor meets with a 4D Recovery Mentor. Supervision meetings cover the following areas: client caseloads, peer-competencies, difficult cases and documentation. The supervisor will place the supervison note in the employees folder after each session.
4D Supervisor Name
First Name
Last Name
Mentors Name
First Name
Last Name
Mentor Client Caseloads
While going through the mentors caseload, client by client, inquire into how well the mentor is managing their caseload. Examples: mentor has too many clients, mentor doesn't have enough clients. Mentor is distributing services to clients based on the 4D client needs criteria. Mentor is setting/keeping appointments with client effectively. Etc.
Skill and proficiency in managing caseloads.
Needs support
doing well on their own
1 is Needs support, 5 is doing well on their own
Brief explanation of strengths. If they mentor needs support, please describe a short skill development plan.
Mentor Ethics, Boundaries and Service Delivery
While going through the mentors caseload, client by client, inquire into how well the mentor is adhering to ethics and boundaries: client confidentiality, boundaries (including social media), role comprehension, inclusivity, equitable service delivery, equitable client expense distribution, acting in the best interest of the client, using motivational interviewing, active listening and supportive communication and other peer-service practice methods.
Skill and proficiency in Ethics, Boundaries, and Service Delivery.
Needs Support
doing well on their own
1 is Needs Support, 5 is doing well on their own
Brief explanation of strengths. If the mentors needs support, please describe a short skill development plan.
4D Mentor Duties
Spend 5-15 minutes with the mentor discussing normal job duties ranging from: communication skills (with staff or recovery community members), service documentation, and adherence to 4D policies and procedures.
Skill and proficiency at performing routine job duties.
Needs support
doing good on their own
1 is Needs support, 5 is doing good on their own
Brief explanation of strengths If the mentor needs support, please describe a short skill development plan.
4D Mentor Needs Assessment
Spend 5-15 minutes assessing the mentors needs to accomplish their job, including supervision oriented needs. It is also the job of the supervisor to support professional development of the mentor.
Describe and summarize the mentors needs.
Other Employee Notes
TAY SUD Best Practices Covered
There are 15 best practices for substance use disorder peer services ranging from screening clients to maturing recovery.
Please check any TAY SUD Best Practices covered during the meeting.
Services created, directed and delivered by youth.
Dedicated Safe Physical Space.
Building Youth Social and Recovery Communities.
Facilitating Event/Activity Based Recovery.
Use of Technology in the Recovery Community.
Screening TAY for SUD Services
Embracing Diversity, Inclusivity and Individuality Through the Primary Mission.
Person Centered and Trauma Informed
Intensive Contact Post-Treatment
Supporting Self-Management of High Risk Social Groups
Employment, Education and Housing.
Boundaries and Role Ambiguity Inherent in TAY Peer Services.
Maturing Recovery, Health and Wellness.
System Navigation: Supporting the Inexperienced.
Professional Development
A good supervisor supports the professional development of their staff. During supervision meetings, look for areas where the mentor shows interest in developing their skills and/or help the mentor recognize areas for future development that build off strengths. After area's are identified and agreed upon, the supervisor will help the mentor achieve these goals.
Please check any areas of professional development that apply.
Leadership Development
Event Organizing
Higher Education, including A&D counseling, non-profit business management, political science, social work or other social sciences.
Peer Supervision
Supervisor Signature
Should be Empty: