Real Estate On-Boarding
The following information provides valuable information for our team to determine the best possible campaigns to run in your area. It also provides our team with additional information used to respond to your leads. Please complete the following questions as best as possible.
Company Information
Company Name
Primary Contact
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Secondary Contact
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Additional Contacts
Account Payable Contact
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Office Administrator / Manager
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Number of years in business
Current number of listings
Estimated number of current listings
Average number of transactions / year
# of Sales Agents
Please provide list of all Agents (xls)
Browse Files
Either, Full list required for lead rotation or selected team
Are you currently working with a preferred lender?
Preferred Lender Name
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Market Details & Additional Information
Current Strength of the Market in your area / region?
Any additional details on your market.
Provide any additional information that may be advantageous for us to know. For instance, area is in transition and older demographic moving away to cash in. Younger people moving into the downtown core. A specific area is in transition, new development, etc.
Best Neighborhoods (zip or postal code preferred)
Neighborhoods in transition (zip or postal code preferred)
Regional Medium Price
Average household income
what is your perception of the average household income
Average DOM?
Number of Agents in the region?
Estimated number of agents in your region / city.
List your top competitors
What sets you apart from your competition
Provide a brief overview of your value proposition, strengths, key differences, etc
Laws, rules and regulations.
Are there any special rules or regulations we should be made aware of?
Additional Comments
Marketing Details
Have you previously done any digital marketing in the past?
What type of digital marketing have you done?
Facebook Ads, Adwords, etc.
What has worked? What hasn't?
What has worked really well in the past?
Are you currently doing any marketing?
Please list all forms of marketing. For example: Radio, TV, Facebook Ads, Adwords, etc.
Current Campaigns
Please describe your current campaigns. This allows us to align new campaigns with existing ones.
How many leads do you currently receive from your ALL of your marketing efforts?
How many leads do you receive from your DIGITAL marketing efforts?
How many additional leads are you expecting?
What is your current conversion rate?
How many leads turn into customers?
What is a realistic conversion rate that you would like to achieve?
What is your current marketing budget?
How much do you currently spend on marketing.
Additional budget allocated to this marketing effort?
How much more do you want to allocate to these marketing efforts (FB Ads, Adwords, etc).
Any specific areas or neighborhood you'd like to target?
List zip, postal codes or neighborhoods you'd like to target.
Is there a specific reason why you'd like to target the above areas?
Do you currently have any digital marketing materials? Videos, pictures, guides, etc?
Please describe what you currently have available
Where can we find these?
Technical Details
Do you currently use a CRM system?
What CRM do you currently use?
Primary Webiste
Additional Webiste
Hosting Provider (DNS & Website)
Facebook Business Page (link)
Additional Facebook Business Page (link)
Additional Facebook Business Page (link)
Submit Results
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