Cost of entry
How to fill out costs of goatsXrings: Add up the number of goat you have per ring. Most exhibitors will show in all 6 rings so you would put your total number of goats entered under the quantity for ($30.00) but if you are showing under only one judge then add your totals for those rings accordingly below.
PLEASE! Be aware that small shows like this need all the Goats we can get to make sanction numbers! So please consider showing your girls in all rings :)
Pen sizes: This year we are offering 3 Pen sizes. PENS MUST BE ORDERED BY APRIL 1st! We hand set each pen so have to have the time to put them up. So after April 1st, you will have to show out of your trailer! PENS OF THE SAME SIZE WILL BE NEXT TO EACH OTHER. IF YOU ORDER 2 DIFFERENT SIZED PENS, WE CAN NOT GUARENTEE THEY WILL BE NEAR EACH OTHER!
6x6 feet - $5 each
6x12 feet - $10 each
12x12 feet - $15 each
Pens are NOT included with the Doe-Nut Deal so please make sure to order any pens you need!
Showing out of your trailer: Yes, you can show out of your trailer at no cost :)
$150 Doe-Nut DEAL!!!! Unlimited Entries for all 6 rings!!!!!!!