Apartment Search Criteria Form
John Spinney
First Name
Last Name
Phone number
Names of additional tenants
Desired move-in date
Date Picker Icon
Minimum Number of bedrooms desired
Please Select
Studio +
Convertible +
1 Bedroom +
2 Bedrooms +
3 Bedrooms +
4 Bedrooms +
5 Bedrooms +
Minimum number of bathrooms desired
Please Select
1 Bathroom +
1.5 Bathrooms +
2 Bathrooms +
3 Bathrooms +
4 Bathrooms +
Do you need assigned parking?
Please Select
I need 1 assigned parking space
I need 2 assigned parking spaces
Street parking or no assigned parking is fine
What is the price range you are looking at?
$ per month
What is your availability to look at apartments?
Please Select
Weeknights are best to view apartments
Weekends are best to view apartments
During the day is best to view apartments
I am flexible as to when I can view apartments
Do you have pets?
I have a pet
I don't have a pet
Please describe your pet(s), type, size and breed
What is the combined income of all applicants?
Please Select
0 - $20,000
$20,000 - $29,900
$30,000 - $39,900
$40,000 - $49,900
$50,000 - $59,900
$60,000 - $69,900
$70,000 - $79,900
$80,000 - $99,900
$100,000 - $150,000
$150,000 - $199,900
Approximate credit score?
Please Select
Poor (below 600)
Fair (600 - 699)
Good (700 - 799)
Excellent (800+)
List your preferred neighborhoods
Any "must haves" for your apartment?
Submit Form and Contact an Agent
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