· The OSCAR’s Rental Hall is available on a first come first serve basis. The Hall is not considered reserved unless a signed copy of the Hall Rental Agreement is received.
· If renter needs to cancel the reservation, he/she must notify the Administrator in writing, at least 10 days prior to the reservation date. Emergency situations, which will result in any cancellation, will be considered on the per case basis.
· The building may not be used for profit making endeavors unless approved in advance by the Route 23 Cultural Heritage Board.
· If the party goes over the scheduled rental time the renter will be charged an additional time of $20.00 per hour.
· The building shall be subject to inspection at any time by any authorized representative of The OSCAR Center.
· The renter shall be liable for all breakage and other damage or loss to property resulting from the occupancy and use of the building and grounds, other than normal wear and tear.
· No outside acrylic or otherwise permanent paint or craft/art supplies are allowed in The OSCAR Center.
· The renter shall be responsible for supervision over all persons in the building and on adjacent grounds. Disorderly conduct is prohibited.
· The sale or offer for sale of beer, wine, or other alcoholic beverages on the premises is strictly prohibited.
· There is absolutely NO SMOKING anywhere inside the building.
· No equipment shall be transferred from one room to another except with permission of authorized representative of The OSCAR Center.
· The OSCAR Center and its affiliates will not be liable for any personal and/or property damage occurring to anyone on premises, due to snow, slippery conditions, or any other mishap/accident.
· The OSCAR Center is not responsible for lost or stolen personal belongings. It is the sole responsibility of each person entering the facility to be responsible for all belongings. Under no circumstances will The OSCAR Center and its affiliates take responsibility for any lost, missing or stolen property personal or otherwise.
· The Renter shall be permitted access to the building for the purpose of decorating/set-up no earlier than 1 hour before event, unless other arrangements have been made between authorized OSCAR Center representative.
· No decorations or any kind may be taped, stapled or thumb tacked to any wall or surface throughout the Center
· No decorations shall be displayed on or hung from the ceiling or walls. Violation of this rule will result in the Renter reimbursing the OSCAR Center for the cost of replacing any and all ceiling tiles
· Please note no confetti of any kind may be placed on tables or floors because it is considered a choking hazard. There will be an additional $60.00 clean up fee for any similar products used.
· The Renter shall not remove, alter, adjust or otherwise change any light fixtures or light bulbs, or turn off any electrical circuit breakers. Violation of this rule will result in the renter reimbursing the OSCAR Center any damage caused by such violation.
· All candles must be contained.
· Set-up of tables, chairs, bandstands, etc. shall be the responsibility of the Renter.
· The building must be vacated one hour after event time. An authorized representative will be checking over the Center to assess conditions.
· After use, place all rubbish in plastic bags and place the bags on top of the dumpster located on the West side of the building, (garbage bags are not furnished by The OSCAR Center).
· Everything that is brought into the building by the Renter must be removed before vacating the building.
· Renter shall remove all adhesive materials from tables, chairs and windows.
· All tables and chairs shall be wiped down and left standing in the banquet area.
If The OSCAR Center Rental Hall is left untidy/dirty and trash is not removed from the premises, b) If the kitchen is left untidy/dirty and food and trash is not removed from the kitchen, c) If the party stays beyond the ending time stated on the facility rental application, or d) Physical damage occurs to the property (markings on the walls, broken items, stairs, etc.) The OSCAR Center and its affiliates reserve the right to seek from renter the cost of repairs/replacement.
Upon inspection, there will be an additional $60.00 clean up fee if any of these rules are violated.
The OSCAR Center Rental Hall will not be available for future rental to any individual or group who violate any or all of these rules and regulations.