User Responsibility
A. The signer of the application warrants that s/he is duly authorized to act as the legal agent of the organization using the building/facility, and as such, will be responsible for compliance with all conditions for use of the property and equipment.
B. The applicant agrees to indemnify and hold Developmental Pathways harmless from any and all claims, losses, liabilities and damages arising from including, but not limited to, fines, penalties and attorney fees arising from applicant’s use of the building.
C. The applicant agrees to discard of all trash in the bins provided and return the room to original state.
General Regulations
A. The use and possession of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs by any person or group is strictly prohibited.
B. Smoking in all buildings is strictly prohibited, except in areas designated by the building principal or building manager.
C. Safety – All applicable fire and safety laws/regulations must be observed at all times.