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Please select your school from the list below
Academy at Shawnee Middle School
Andover Middle School
Argyle Magnet Middle School
Armstrong Middle School
Atwell Middle School
Barcelona Elementary School
Blow Pierce Middle School
Burnet Middle School
Cary Middle School
Catalina Ventura School
Challenger Middle School
Chamberlain Middle School
Christopher Columbus Middle School
Citizens Leadership Academy
Cloverdale Middle School
de Zavala Middle School
Dr. William H. Horton School
E Prep Cliffs
E Prep Woodland Hills
East Forsyth Middle School
El Sereno Middle School
Forest Oak Middle School
Frederick Law Olmsted Academy North
Garcia YMLA
Gompers Middle School
Granada Elementary - East Campus
H.B. Lee Middle School
Hammocks Middle School
Harris Middle School
Hawkins Street School
Hawthorne Avenue School
Holyoke STEM Academy
John Burroughs Middle School
Johnson Middle School
Lake Stevens Middle School
Lang Middle School
Lassiter Middle School
Lawrence 3-8 School
Longfellow Middle School
Mabelvale Middle School
Madrid Neighborhood School
Mann Magnet Middle School
Mansfeld Magnet Middle School
Martin Middle School
Medrano Middle School
Melvin E. Sine Elementary School
Neelsville Middle School
Newburg Middle School
Norris Middle School
Northwest Middle School
Paredes Middle School
Paul W. Bell Middle School
Peck Middle School
Philo-Hill Middle School
Pueblo Gardens PK-8 School
Quintanilla Middle School
R. M. Marrs Magnet Center
R.E. Simpson School
Renaissance Academy of Arts Sciences and Social Justice at Fischer
Renaissance Academy of Arts Sciences and Social Justice at Mathson
Reynolds Middle School
Rhodes Middle School
Roberts Paideia Academy
Ruben Dario Middle School
Sadler Means YWLA
Sayler Park School
Sevilla Elementary - West Campus
Southeast Middle School
Sutter Middle School
Thomas A. Edison Middle School
Thomas Starr King Middle School
Travis Middle School
W.E.B. DuBois Academy
Walt Morey Middle School
Webster Middle School
Whittier Middle School
Wilson STEM Academy
Winston-Salem Prep Academy
Woodridge Middle School
I know what blended learning is.
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I am comfortable using technology in or with my class.
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I am comfortable with students using technology in my class for learning.
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Technology opens a ton of possibilities within my content area(s).
All the way
Not at all
Technology could enhance experiences beyond my classroom that students have with my content area.
All the way
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