What does "Wubba lubba dub dub" mean?
I want more beer
I don't give a fu*k
I am in great pain, please help me
Lick, lick, lick, my BALLS
Actual Name
Wants to be called
Question 3 Calculation
What is the name of the dimension that the mainstream Rick and Morty are coming from?
Post-Apocalyptic Dimension
Fascist Dimension
Morty's sex robot
Morty Jr.'s job
Question 6 Calculation
Where is the Anatomy Park located?
Dimension C-132
The Citadel
Inside a homeless man named Ruben
Summer wears a top that eventually saved their lives. Who is the designer of that top?
Marc Jacobs
Giorgio Armani
Vera Wang
Donatella Versace
What is the name of Morty and Summer's high school principal?
Principal Butt
Mr. Dickhead
Mr. Goldenfold
Principal Vagina
Hard one: What portraits are hanging in the dining room?
Horse, Family, Rick and Morty
Flowers, Horse, Butterfly
Summer, Morty, Flowers
Butterfly, Family, Horse
What is the governing body of The Citadel?
Council of Ricks
Dimensional Union
United Rick and Mortys
The Central Finite
What is the name of the widget that Rick uses to travel between dimensions?
Interdimensional Ray
Portal Gun
Laser Tag Gun
Portal Navigation
Total Calculation
Should be Empty: