English (US)
Vendor Registration, W.T.F. EXPO
10/16/2020 | Willis Tower | 233 S. Wacker Drive 99th FL Chicago | 4pm - 9pm CST
Contact Person
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number (Text alerts STRICTLY for Expo logistics, we promise!)
Area Code
Phone Number
Name of your business/company as you'd like it to appear on marketing materials
Website (If applicable)
Description of your table. Please keep in mind that we are hoping for interaction and engagement.
Will you be needing electricity for your space? (Noted, but NOT guaranteed. Granted on a first come, first served basis.)
I understand that my table includes five (5) general admission tickets and the names and emails of my guests MUST BE submitted by October 10, 2020 or they will be forfeited.
Yes, I understand and agree
Are you purchasing ad space today?
Ad book is size 5.5 X 8.5 in FULL COLOR. All submissions must be in one of the following formats: psd, jpeg, or pdf at least 200 dpi, CMYK. Deadline for ad submissions is September 25th 2020. The following specifications are to be used when submitting your ad graphics: BUSINESS CARD SIZE: 3.5 inches (wide) X 2.0 inches (height) | HALF PAGE: 5.5 inches (wide) X 4.25 inches (height) | FULL PAGE: 5.5 inches (wide) X 8.5 inches (height).
Yes, I understand and agree.
I'm not purchasing ad space today.
Tables are 6ft in length and have no tablecloth. Willis Tower has a 360⁰ view of the lake and the city so there’s no pipe and drape provided, but the vendor may bring banners. Vendor’s immediate area must not infringe upon the space of the neighboring vendors. Set-up time begins at 10:00AM CST, but you're not required to be there that early. Vendors are required to be fully set up no later than 3:30PM. Electrical outlets are scattered throughout the space, but we cannot guarantee the table proximity. There is no category exclusivity, however, we only allow one (1) vendor to represent a specific company. For example, there may be multiple vendors with financial services, but the same financial company cannot be represented more than once. For additional information or questions, please call or email us at
Yes, I understand and agree to the terms.
Are there any other details that we should know?
Please sign below.
My Products
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Vendor table
Black tablecloth rental
Business Card Ad Space
Half Page Ad Space
Full Page Ad Space
Gift Bag Donation of 200 Items
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