IMPORTANT! Please read completely before continuing.
RPGs can be very personal experiences, but they often require you toΒ open yourself up to others and make yourself vunerable.Β That's why we're taking this survey.Β Trauma is something everybody experiences, and we want to do our best to avoid dredging up bad feelings.
Some of you might be thinking that this sort of survey isn't targeted at you; maybe you don't get "triggered" by anything. Even if you have nerves of steel, there may still be some things you hadn't thought about that bother you or that you would simply rather not encounter in an RPG experience.
A lot of what is written below deals with various aspects of the horror genre, and is objectively terrible to experience.Β Yet, horror movies make billions each year at the box office.Β The strange truth is that, sometimes, weΒ like being horrified.Β That's aΒ decision each person has to make for themselves, though, and if there's any doubt in your mind about a topic, then mark it yellow or red. Β
As a final point, understand that this survey is anonymous.Β The GM isn't digging for personal details, but is trying to build an understanding of what they need to avoid in their campaign.Β AtΒ the end of this survey, you will have the option to discuss it with your GM, with or without de-anonymizing your answers.Β