Boarding rates are per calendar day, per guest. Charges begin on first day at check-in, regardless of time. Check-out is by closing time on last day. Boarding includes Social Playgroup, Individual or Family Play. Administration of 2 medications or supplements is also included, up to twice daily. Additional fees apply for additional medications and/or supplements or if pet won’t take meds with pill pockets or food, which must all be supplied by owner and/or agent. Classy Canine Country Club does not administer injections or time-sensitive medications. Own food must be supplied. Daycare packages do not apply to boarding.
Daycare rates are one price during business hours; there is no hourly or half day rate. If unable to pick up by close of business day, dog stays until the next business day, at full boarding rate. The ability to keep daycare dogs overnight depends on available space, especially during holidays. Daycare packages are Non-Refundable, Non-Transferable, expire 6 months from date of purchase and do not apply to boarding.
Daycare/Playgroup = Dog Park Bacterial & viral illnesses such as canine cough, intestinal upset and parasites (roundworms, tapeworms, hookworms, whipworms, giardia, are a few) can circulate. These grounds are concrete, sand, dirt, gravel & grass same as dog parks, hiking trails, beaches, campgrounds, etc. Animals can be carriers & show no symptoms. Daycare dogs & Boarding dogs, who are in playgroup, have contact with each other. If your pet has a health problem, your veterinarian has the best knowledge of treatment and/or isolation.
Veterinary Treatment; Please notify your local, regular veterinarian when your pet is boarding. A 24-hour Emergency Veterinarian is approximately 5 miles away. Wherever treatment is provided, all fees are the responsibility of the owner and must be paid to the veterinary hospital. Classy Canine Country Club attempts to notify owner and/or emergency contact, by phone; if unable to make contact, you and/or agent, authorize necessary, and reasonable, treatment to sustain life, if/when possible.
All animals are boarded, groomed, trained or otherwise handled and/or cared for, without liability on our part for loss or damage from theft, fire, death, injury, disease, running away, injury to other persons, other animals or any property by said animal, or any other causes, due diligence and prevailing care having been exercised. Classy Canine Country Club may separate or remove the animal, in order to protect its, or other animals, or human’s health or safety. Removal will be to a licensed veterinarian of Classy Canine Country Club’s choice. Owners will be notified, if possible, and all fees are the responsibility of the owner. Pets abandoned for more than 7 days after the pick up date will be sold or destroyed by Classy Canine Country Club. The owner or agent agrees to all other policies, conditions, operations and fees, posted or quoted, and further agrees, to bear all cost of collection arising from unpaid fees, any time, conducting business with Classy Canine Country Club.