The Churchie Research Centre (an initiative of the Anglican Church Grammar School) launched its open-access A Learner’s Toolkit study behaviours and strategies training program in 2022. Since initiating this program, the Churchie Research Centre has partnered with over 35 schools across Australia, New Zealand and Europe/UK. These schools represent the full spectrum of school type, system and geography/context. The Partner Schools have full access to the program and the associated low-cost professional learning opportunities associated with their participation. The most significant professional learning event is the A Matter of Translation conference at the Anglican Church Grammar School in Brisbane on Friday, 30th August. In 2023, over 200 teachers from Australia and New Zealand attended the conference in person or online. All proceeds of the 2024 A Matter of Translation conference will be directed to Anglicare Queensland.
The Churchie Research Centre has developed an open-access platform (website) to share the program's core toolkit strategies, training continuum, resources, research methods, and metrics. The platform will also provide a space to connect a community of practitioners interested in translating the cognitive sciences into the classroom. Finally, the A Learner's Toolkit program is focused on engaging in a multi-school longitudinal study of the evolution of secondary year students' study behaviours and strategies. We are interested in the impact of their preparatory training program on student outcomes in the immediate (school) and longer-term (university, TAFE or work). At the same time, we are interested in unpacking the factors that affect teacher knowledge and competency in translating cognitive science principles into existing pedagogical practice.
Complete the following form if you and your school want to learn more about the open-access A Learner’s Toolkit study behaviours and strategies training program. A member of the team will contact you.
Dr Vicky Leighton and Dr Terry Byers