Wine Victoria is the peak body representing the Victorian wine industry; we serve the interests of more than 1,500 grape growers and 800+ wine companies of all sizes, and Regional Associations covering every part of the state.
Empower and advocate on behalf of the entire Victorian wine community.
We represent the interests of our members and the Victorian wine industry to government and national bodies. We advocate on your behalf, ensuring your voice is heard and amplified on the issues that matter to you.
We work on the challenges that are most pressing for our members. We aim to maintain an operating environment that's conductive to the health and growth of the Victorian Wine Industry:
- Prosecco protection
- Bushfire and planned burns management
- Container deposit scheme
- Tourism support
- Labour hire
- Taxation - land & WET
- Victorian Liquor Subsidy
- Wine and Health
- Crisis Management
- Building industry learning and capacity across sustainability, biosecurity and climate change adaption
Domestic & Export Trade
- Seminars & Symposium Program: WSET Conference, Pinot Noir celebration, Inbound trade Mission
- Drink Victorian Campaign
- US Market Activation program
- ProWein Trade Fair
Winemaking & Viticulture
- Growing Victorian Wine into the Future Program
- Biosecurity Program
- Regional Viticulture Program
The Membership Form must be completed and returned to Wine Victoria. All information is treated as strictly confidential and is used only for membership purposes.