I, First Name Last Name , certify that I am the legal owner of the Alaskan Malamute named below (hereinafter known as "Dog"), and as owner, I hereby give and release the Dog named below to Chesapeake Area Alaskan Malamute Protection (CHAAMP). I hereby transfer full and complete ownership of, exclusive rights to, decisions about, and responsibility for this Dog as of this date, Date . I certify that the information I have provided below is the truth. I understand that I no longer have control over, rights to, ownership, or responsibility of this Dog and that CHAAMP will do with this Dog as it deems fit, including adopting the Dog to a qualified family, kenneling the Dog, fostering the Dog with an appropriate family, or euthanizing the Dog if necessary for temperament reasons. I understand that I will not be given the contact information of the Dog’s adoptive or foster family, nor will I attempt to find or visit the Dog at any time from this day forward. I understand CHAAMP will give me updates on the Dog upon my request, only if the new owner agrees. CHAAMP never discloses the location or the name of the new owner.Owner Signature: _____________________________________ Date: CHAAMP accepts the Dog: ____________________________________Date:
The owner signs and dates in the presence of a CHAAMP representative only after CHAAMP has agreed to take the dog. Provide vaccine records, especially for rabies.
*** When someone initially contacts CHAAMP, they do not sign the Release of Ownership form. The owner signs and dates in the presence of a CHAAMP representative only after CHAAMP has agreed to take the dog. ***