To: All members of the Maricopa Superior Court
To: All members of the Arizona Supreme Court
Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal and Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent
I, One of the People (as seen in the Arizona Constitution, Bill of Righs Article 2 Section 2) Sui Juris, am serving you with this notice so that you and your agents may provide due care.
Please take Notice that the People have assembled in order to instruct the Members of the Maricopa Superior Court and the Members of the Arizona Supreme Court of their duties and remind them of the sworn oath they took;
Please take Notice, the Arizona Constitution Article VI Section 21 that states: "Every judge of the Supreme Court and every judge of the superior court shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, take and subscribe and oath that he will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Arizona, and will faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of judge to the best of his ability, which oath shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of State;"
Please take Notice, Members of the Maricopa Superior Court, the Arizona Constitution Article II Section 1 states: " A frequent recurrence to fundamental principles is essential to the security of individual rights and perpetuity of free government";
Please take Notice, Members of the Maricopa Superior Court, the Arizona Constitutuion Article II Section 21 states: "All elections shall be free and equal, and no power, civil or military, shall at any time interfere to prevent the free exercise of the right of suffrage";
Please take Notice, there are affidavits stating that poll workers witnessed printers being serviced on the day of elections and no re-certification process was completed.
Please take Notice, the 2019 Elections Procedures Manual found on the Secretary of States Website ( describes the procedures to be used for the 2022 primary and general elections. In the 2019 Elections Procedures Manual noted above, Chapter 2.VI.B.7 states: “After processing is complete, if ballots need to be transferred to another building for tabulation,
ballots shall be transported in a secure manner by at least two election officials (not of the same
political party preference) with the ballots inside of a sealed ballot transfer container to a receiving
site or a central counting place that is inside a secured building..” There is video evidence that neither one of these processes were followed.
Please take Notice, there is video evidence from Chairman Bill Gates and Recorder Stephen Richer of a new process that was not described in the 2019 elections Procedure Manual that required voters to put their non-scannable ballots (was not able to scan through the tabulation machines correctly) into “#3 Secure Box”. There is no mention of #3 Secure Box in the 2019 Election Procedure Manual. In that same video, Chairman Bill Gates tells people to go to another polling location and they can vote there.
Please take Notice, Members of the Arizona Supreme Court, that under Article 6 Section 4 states: "The Supreme Court shall have original jurisdiction in habeas corpus, and quo warranto and mandamus as to all State Officers. It shall have appellate jurisdiction in all actions and proceddings, but its appellate jurisdiction shall not extend to civil actions at law for recovery of money or personal property where the original amount in ..." ;
Please take Notice, Members of the Arizona Supreme Court, The Black Laws Dictionary 4th Edition defines appellate jurisdication as "The power vested in an appellate court to review and revise the judicial action of an inferior court, evidenced by an appealable or an appealable judgment rendered by such court. The power and authority to take cognizance of a cause and proceed to its determinations, not in its intial stages but only after it has been finally decided by an inferior court, the power of review and determination on appeal, writ of error, certiorari, or other similar process. Jursidiction on appeal; jurisdicationto revise or correct the proceedings in a cause already instituted and acted upon by an inferior court, or tribunal have the attributes of a court";
Please take Notice that the People have assembled and learned the law and wish to prosecute all bad actors who refuse to follow the law as servants. If this Notice shall be ignored by the Members of the Maricopa Superior Court and/or the Members of the Arizona Supreme Court, this notice shall stand as evidence against them, that they are purposely, with malice, and intent, ignoring the will of the People, and shall stand as evidence in all Courts, before the Supreme Court, and the Federal Legislature;
Maxim: Things invalid from the beginning cannot be made valid by the subsequent act.
Maxim: A repugnant act cannot be brought into being, i.e, cannot be made effectual.
Maxim: Necessity overrules the law. Necessity shall be a good excuse in our law, and in every other law.
Please take Notice that the People are coming before you by necessity and demanding immediate action to protect their body politic and rights. Failing to follow the will of the People will be considered a Trespass and wrong of the highest degree. This Notice is sent in the love and peace of Christ;