Nativity Presentation Sign Up
Join us as our Ranchers and Volunteers share the Christmas story with the Wings of Hope community on December 7, 2024. We will have several practices. Parents, please sign up alongside your child if you are able to help in a support role. Contact one of our volunteer co-directors, Diane Norris - or Jolene Schlosser with any questions. We look forward to having you/your child as part of our presentation!
Name of Person Completing the Form
First Name
Last Name
Please enter a valid phone number.
Note: By completing this form you are agreeing to receive email communications from the Ranch regarding your participation.
Wings of Hope Ranch role:
Please Select
Parent of Rancher
Select volunteer interest
Set up Crew
Breakdown and Clean-up crew
Donate or loan props
Costume Manager
Costume Assistants (including collection post presentation)
"GO-FOR" Assistant
Stage Manager
Stage Hands
Stage Consultants
Costume donation
Horse Embellishment
Horse Leader (limited roles available - staff will approve)
Horse Aisle Mall Cop
Will you participate in a support role?
Yes, a speaking role
Yes, a non-speaking role
Additional Participant Info
Do you need to register additional participants?
Yes, 1 more participant
Yes 2 more participants
Yes, 3 more participants
Optional - Additional Participant Name
First Name
Last Name
Wings of Hope Ranch role:
Please Select
Parent of Rancher
Select volunteer interest:
Set up Crew
Breakdown and Clean-up crew
Donate or loan props
Costume Manager
Costume Assistants (including collection post presentation)
"GO-FOR" Assistant
Stage Manager
Stage Hands
Stage Consultants
Costume donation
Horse Embellishment
Horse Leader (limited roles available - staff will approve)
Horse Aisle Mall Cop
Please note our directors will place you where most needed. Multiple interests may be selected.
Select Interest:
Isaiah the Prophet (speaking role)
Joseph (speaking role)
Mary (speaking role)
Roman Soldier (speaking role)
Shepherd (speaking role)
Star Leading Magi (non-speaking role)
Angel (speaking as a group)
Magi/Wiseman (speaking role)
Magi/Wiseman (non-speaking role)
Mage/Wiseman Pages (speaker for non-speaking Magi)
Scribe (speaking role)
Gabriel (speaking role)
King Herod (speaking role)
King Herod's Page (non-speaking role)
Innkeeper (speaking role)
Wherever needed (non-speaking role)
Wherever needed (speaking role)
Narrator (speaking role)
Optional - Additional Participant
First Name
Last Name
Wings of Hope Ranch role:
Please Select
Parent of Rancher
Select volunteer interest:
Please Select
Set up Crew
Breakdown and Clean-up Crew
Donate or loan props
Costume Manager
Costume Assistants (including collection post presentation)
"GO-FOR" Assistant
Stage Manager
Stage Hands
Stage Consultants
Costume donation
Horse Embellishment
Horse Leader (limited roles available - staff will approve)
Horse Aisle "Mall Cop"
Please note our directors will place you where most needed. Multiple interests may be selected.
Select volunteer interest
Set up Crew
Breakdown and Clean-up crew
Donate or loan props
Costume Manager
Costume Assistants (including collection post presentation)
"GO-FOR" Assistant
Stage Manager
Stage Hands
Stage Consultants
Costume donation
Horse Embellishment
Horse Leader (limited roles available - staff will approve)
Horse Aisle Mall Cop
Please note our directors will place you where most needed. Multiple interests may be selected.
Select Interest:
Isaiah the Prophet (speaking role)
Joseph (speaking role)
Mary (speaking role)
Roman Soldier (speaking role)
Shepherd (speaking and non-speaking roles)
Star (non-speaking role)
Angel (speaking as a group)
Adult Magi Leader (speaking role)
Magi/Wiseman (speaking role)
Magi/Wiseman (non-speaking role)
Magi/Wiseman Page (speaker for non-speaking Magi)
Scribe (speaking role)
Gabriel (speaking role)
King Herod (speaking role)
King Herod's Page (non-speaking role)
Innkeeper (speaking role)
Wherever needed (non-speaking role)
Wherever needed (speaking role)
Narrator (speaking role)
Optional - Additional Participant
First Name
Last Name
Wings of Hope Ranch role:
Please Select
Parent of Rancher
Select volunteer interest:
Set up Crew
Breakdown and Clean-up crew
Donate or loan props
Costume Manager
Costume Assistants (including collection post presentation)
"GO-FOR" Assistant
Stage Manager
Stage Hands
Stage Consultants
Costume donation
Horse Embellishment
Horse Leader (limited roles available - staff will approve)
Horse Aisle Mall Cop
Please note our directors will place you where most needed. Multiple interests may be selected.
Select Interest:
Isaiah the Prophet (speaking role)
Joseph (speaking role)
Mary (speaking role)
Roman Soldier (speaking role)
Shepherd (speaking and non-speaking roles)
Star (non-speaking role)
Angel (speaking as a group)
Adult Magi Leader (speaking role)
Magi/Wiseman (speaking role)
Magi/Wiseman (non-speaking role)
Magi/Wiseman Page (speaking for non-speaking Magi)
Scribe (speaking role)
Gabriel (speaking role)
King Herod (speaking role)
King Herod's Page (non-speaking role)
Innkeeper (speaking role)
Wherever needed (non-speaking role)
Wherever needed (speaking role)
Narrator (speaking role)
Anything additional you'd like to share with the organizers about you/your child's participation?
Select volunteer interest
Please Select
Set up Crew
Breakdown and Clean-up Crew
Donate or loan props
Costume Manager
Costume Assistants (including collection post presentation)
"GO-FOR" Assistant
Stage Manager
Stage Hands
Stage Consultants
Costume donation
Horse Embellishment
Horse Leader (limited roles available - staff will approve)
Horse Aisle "Mall Cop"
Please note our directors will place you where most needed. Multiple interests may be selected.
Should be Empty: