If a serious emergency arises, it might be necessary for a physician to attend to your student before someone can contact you. Such care can be provided only if you sign the AUTHORIZATION TO TREAT below. In the event of illness or injury, I do hereby consent to whatever X-ray, examination, anesthetic, medical, surgical, or dental diagnosis or treatment and hospital care are considered necessary in the best judgment of the attending physician, surgeon or dentist and performed by or under supervision of a member of the medical staff of the hospital or facility furnishing medical or dental services.
Further, as a parent or legal guardian of a student attending these school-sponsored trips, I understand that it is not the same physical environment as a traditional school. There may be certain inherent hazards including natural and manufactured conditions at the site which may result in physical injury, harm, damage, or death.
I understand that there is no warranty or guarantee of my student's safety or security. I hold the LGSUHSD, Los Gatos Music Boosters, and the officers, agents, and employees of the above harmless from any and all liability or claim which may arise out of or in connection with my student's participation in the school-sponsored trip or activity and I waive ALL claims against the school district for injury, accident, illness or death occurring during or by reason of my student's participation (ED CODE 35330).
First aid: In the event that your student requires minor first aid, a school-sponsored coach, teacher, chaperone, or administrator will render treatment as necessary in accordance with standard first-aid practices.
Transportation: I may be contacted to transport my student home due to illness or misconduct.
Media Approval: By choosing to participate in the LGHS music program, students and parents should understand that photos, videos, and live broadcasts (collectively "the Recordings") may be taken and used to publicly promote the program. This may include using the Recordings in publications, posting on the LGHS and/or Music Boosters websites, and/or posting on social media. Individual students will not be named unless permission is obtained by the Music Boosters or Music Department.