Outlandish Vendor Registration Form
Spots are 10'x10', Clans Larger - First Come First Serve- Please Bring Your Own Table/Tent - Last Registration Day: June 28, 2024 -
Vendor Pricing
Non-Profits and Scottish Clans- Free
Craftsperson or Scottish Business-$25
Commercial- $100
Vendor Information
Please fill name and contact information of the business/organization.
Organization/Clan Name
Contact Name
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Contact Number
Please enter a phone number that can be used to contact you the day of the event if needed.
Organization Information
Tell us more about your group or business!
What Type of Organization/Business are you?
Scottish Clan
Craftsperson, Local Merchant, Scottish Merchant
Commercial Business
Is your organization related to culture or history?
Yes- Scottish
Yes- Other
Please provide a short description of your organization's mission or offerings.
Please provide an estimated number of participants.
Thank you for reaching out! Due to space restraints we are prioritizing vendors and organizations related to Scottish history and culture. We will reach out if space allows!
We're excited to have you join us! To secure your spot, please mail a $25 deposit via check payable to the Alliance at Historic Hillsborough.
Checks will be returned on the day of the event to those who attend. Mailing Address: 150 E. King Street, Hillsborough, NC 27278
We're excited to have you join us! To secure your spot, please either mail a check payable to the Alliance at Historic Hillsborough or complete the payment form.
Mailing Address: 150 E. King Street, Hillsborough, NC 27278
Vendor Payment
( X )
Please input $25.00
Credit Card
Thank You for Your Interest!
Our Vendor Marketplace is currently full! You are welcome to submit this form to be placed on a mailing list and contacted about the next Outlandish Hillsborough Scottish Festival (expected 2026).
Questions or Concerns:
Contact Programs and Events Coordinator Kelly Arnold at kelly@historichillsborough.org
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