We are a specialty practice in Functional and Integrative Medicine. All providers have received training through the Institute for Functional Medicine. Dr. Gomes is an IFM certified physician. All providers also have years of experience in conventional medicine, including acute care, providing a unique perspective and ability to recognize conditions, and offer the most comprehensive options for evaluation and treatment.
We have facilities in Glen Alpine/Morganton, Asheville, Hickory, and Charlotte. In-person and virtual consultations are available. This may vary between our facilities and providers. We can help facilitate connecting you with the best provider to meet your goals and needs.
Optimal Healthcare is a fee for service practice. We are not in-network with any insurance companies, do not perform billing through insurance, and all of ourservices are cash price. Established patients do have the option of membership that include health coaching and other services (Glen Alpine office only). A super bill can be provided at the end of an appointment, and invoices are made available on the patient portal.
We are opted out of Medicare, and can provide evaluation and treatment for
individuals on this plan. Insurance (primary/supplemental) cannot be used for payment of services, and consultation fees cannot be submitted for reimbursement. We are required to provide a specific contract for this that will need to be reviewed and signed prior to consultation being provided.
Fees are available upon request and we will be happy to discuss these with you when we speak with you during your free phone consultation.
Laboratory testing through conventional labs (e.g., LabCorp, Quest Diagnostics) can be submitted through traditional insurance, but we cannot provide assurance of coverage and you are accountable for payment to the lab for any amount due that was not covered by
Cash pricing is available for those with share plans, uninsured, or if requested.
Charges are communicated upon request.
Functional laboratory testing is not traditionally covered by insurance and these are offered through our practice at a cash price. Costs are communicated upon request. Testing can include salivary hormones, DUTCH Hormone Metabolites, heavy metals, Mycotoxins, food sensitivities, comprehensive nutrient assessments, comprehensive stool testing, genetic SNPs testing, methylation testing, and more.
We also offer health coaching both as part of our medical program, as well as
independently through health coach packages. Amber Shiflet is our director of health coaching, and offers independent consultations and various package options. For those that join one of our wellness membership options, health coaching is included.
We maintain a broad referral base for both Conventional specialists as well as
Complementary and Alternative practices within our regions. Consultants including
Cardiology, Gastroenterology, Endocrinology, Rheumatology, Orthopedics, Neurology, Chiropractic, Upper Cervical Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Orthopedic Massage, Physical Therapy, Personal Training, and Psychology/Therapy. For times where referral is necessary for specific testing/evaluation, or treatments that are outside of the scope of our practice, we are happy to provide referrals to some of the best in the region.