In the event of an emergency medical situation relating to my minor child as listed above, and in the event that I am unavailable, I hereby give my consent to the Riptide Volleyball Club or any other medical hospitals to administer whatever emergency medical care deemed appropriate by that medical staff until I can be contacted.
RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK AGREEMENTI understand, agree and acknowledge that some activities may be of a hazardous nature and/or include physical and/or strenuous activity. Understanding this, I state that my player/child has no medical condition or impairment that might inhibit his/her safe and active participation in the above listed activity. In addi tion, I understand that the Riptide Volleyball Club does not provide medical insurance coverage for activity participants and that any applicable medical insurance must be provided individually by such participants. In the case of injury or medical emergency and in the event participant, or their parent or guardian, cannot respond at the time of the emergency, the Riptide Volleyball Club has permission to seek, administer, or have administered whatever first aid or emergency medical care deemed necessary for player/child’s welfare, and it is under stood that parents/guardians, and not the Riptide Volleyball Club, shall be responsible for any and all charges for such health care services regardless of whether player/child’ s medical insurance would cover such charges.
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