joskoenders9Gevraagd op 30 augustus 2023 om 11:08
Sinds vanochtend is de tekst kleur in de headers van mijn formulier verandert van wit naar zwart.
Dit is niet de bedoeling, voor zover ik weet heb ik niet aan de instellingen gezeten.
Kunnen jullie bij weer aan witte letters helpen?
Lorenz Jotform SupportGeantwoord op 30 augustus 2023 om 22:02
Hi Jos,
Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. We can use Custom CSS code to change the header's font color. Let me show you how to set it up in your form:
1. In the Form builder, click on the blue Roller Paint icon.
2. From the Form Designer panel, select the Styles Tab.
3. Next, scroll down a bit and inject the following code below inside the Custom CSS area.
/* change form header and subheader font color */
.form-header-group .form-header, .form-header-group .form-subHeader {
color: #fff !important;
/* end */
4. Lastly, click on Save.
Give it a try and let us know if there's anything else we can help you with.
joskoenders9Geantwoord op 31 augustus 2023 om 01:37
Hi Lorenz,
Thank you for your support, it did worked out as expected! The text is white again.
But I don't understand the rootcause. The color changed suddenly..
In form https://eu.jotform.com/build/232192406785359
I have white text (from the beginning) without the specific code.
Is here an explanation for??
Thanks in advance!
Jovanne Support Team LeadGeantwoord op 31 augustus 2023 om 10:20
Hi Jos,
I checked your form revision history, and it appears that you have a lot of changes made to the form today. You can also check this on your end by following this guide on how to view your form revision history. It might be that you have accidentally changed the text colors.
Give it a try and let us know if there's anything else we can help you with.