Volunteer Registration Form
First Name
Last Name
Company / Title
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Volunteer as:
Please Select
Tech Mentor
Non-tech Volunteer
Tech Mentor & Parent/ Relative of a Ninja (CoderDojo attendee)
Non-tech Volunteer & Parent/ Relative of a Ninja (CoderDojo attendee)
I have the necessary below certifications to volunteer in PA - Please Email PHLCoderDojo@gmail for instructions on how to obtain your Clearances
Yes, I have applied for the necessary certifications and am waiting for paperwork to come through
Yes, I have them from other volunteer work
Yes, I have completed the first two however need assistance with paying the $22.60 fee
Not as of yet, Comment in box.
You will be required to attain the clearances.
Right Click on Links☞ 1.
Pennsylvania State Police Request for Criminal History Check - free
☞ 2.
Pennsylvania Child Abuse Clearances - $8
☞ 3.
FBI Fingerprint Criminal History Clearance - $22.60
Background & Skills
Comments. How did you hear about Philly CoderDojo?
RSVP Attend on Saturday via ZOOM
I will be able to attend the Philly CoderDojo Mentors & Volunteers Orientation
No, I will not be able to make it
Currently unsure if I will be in attendance
Check All Boxes for Dojos you plan to volunteer:
Should be Empty: