Collect your online responses with Jotform and turn them into professional, elegant PDFs automatically.
*Class Num ber | Back Numbe r | *Horse Nam e & # | *Exhibitor Name & Ad dress | Trainer Na me & Addre ss | Trainer Re gistration # | *Horse Own er Name & Address |
56. Juveni le 17 & Un der All Da y Pleasure Champions hip | Mauris et nisl vel m agna biben dum dictum at id tor tor. | Nullam pha retra veli t quis lig ula dictum , in aucto r risus co ndimentum. | Nunc id es t et lacus pretium v iverra. | Mauris por ttitor lor em quis sa pien rutru m pulvinar eu ut est . | Integer si t amet dui condiment um, cursus augue et, sollicitu din felis. | Donec comm odo ex id ex posuere tempus. |
33. Open M ule | Integer si t amet dui condiment um, cursus augue et, sollicitu din felis. | Mauris et nisl vel m agna biben dum dictum at id tor tor. | Mauris et nisl vel m agna biben dum dictum at id tor tor. | Duis moles tie orci s ed mollis commodo. | Proin ferm entum ante quis sapi en ultrice s, id dapi bus diam f inibus. | In loborti s ante sed odio soll icitudin, eget accum san orci i mperdiet. |
51. Amateu r Plantati on Pleasur e Walking | Praesent f ermentum n eque eget lobortis i aculis. | Cras vitae lacus id ante inter dum semper sit amet ut lorem. | Nam conval lis justo ultricies, pulvinar nisi in, i aculis tel lus. | Duis euism od velit a t nisi tem pus cursus . | Integer si t amet dui condiment um, cursus augue et, sollicitu din felis. | Ut tincidu nt neque n on nulla v ulputate, ut dapibus leo luctu s. |
55. Amateu r Ladies W alking | Nunc id es t et lacus pretium v iverra. | Morbi temp or eros a dolor grav ida, nec p osuere pur us ferment um. | Proin ferm entum ante quis sapi en ultrice s, id dapi bus diam f inibus. | Nam conval lis justo ultricies, pulvinar nisi in, i aculis tel lus. | Cras commo do lectus vel nulla ullamcorpe r, in temp or erat se mper. | Duis euism od velit a t nisi tem pus cursus . |
60. Juveni le 17 & Un der Walkin g Champion ship | Cras commo do lectus vel nulla ullamcorpe r, in temp or erat se mper. | Nam conval lis justo ultricies, pulvinar nisi in, i aculis tel lus. | Mauris por ttitor lor em quis sa pien rutru m pulvinar eu ut est . | Mauris et nisl vel m agna biben dum dictum at id tor tor. | In loborti s ante sed odio soll icitudin, eget accum san orci i mperdiet. | Mauris pos uere eros in bibendu m suscipit . |
30. Lead Line | Mauris et nisl vel m agna biben dum dictum at id tor tor. | Proin ferm entum ante quis sapi en ultrice s, id dapi bus diam f inibus. | Duis euism od velit a t nisi tem pus cursus . | Ut tincidu nt neque n on nulla v ulputate, ut dapibus leo luctu s. | Mauris pos uere eros in bibendu m suscipit . | Duis euism od velit a t nisi tem pus cursus . |
*Class Num ber | Back Numbe r | *Horse Nam e & # | *Exhibitor Name & Ad dress | Trainer Na me & Addre ss | Trainer Re gistration # | *Horse Own er Name & Address |
58. Open T rail Pleas ure Walkin g Champion ship | Integer si t amet dui condiment um, cursus augue et, sollicitu din felis. | Mauris et nisl vel m agna biben dum dictum at id tor tor. | Nam quis e x mollis, congue orc i non, acc umsan augu e. | Nam quis e x mollis, congue orc i non, acc umsan augu e. | Mauris por ttitor lor em quis sa pien rutru m pulvinar eu ut est . | Donec comm odo ex id ex posuere tempus. |
In signing this pre-entry form, I hereby affirm that the owner, lessee, trainer, manager, agent, coach, rider and the horse are subject to the Rules of the KY-HIO, LLc and the local rules of the show. I further declare that the horse and rider are eligible as entered and that the owner and all his representatives are bound by the rules of the KY-HIO, LLC and the show. I accepts as final the decision of KY-HIO, LLC along with committee members, officials, directors, employees, or representatives of either the show or KY-HIO. LLC harmless for any action taken. In accepting my entry, I hereby release the sponsor, its officers, members and co-sponsor of this show along with KY-HIO,LLC and/or its representatives from any claim or right for damages, which may occur to me or my horse. I also assume and accept full responsibility for any damages done by me or my horse at the show. (MUST BE SIGNED)
I, the undersigned, wish to participate in the Kenturcky Celebration. I understand during portions of this event I will be in close proximity to one or more horses under circumstances which may expose me to some risk or injury, because of the nature of horses, the facility, & the activities in which I will be engaged. In consideration the Kenturcky Celebration allowing my participation in this event, I on behalf of myself, & my heirs, administrators, personal representatives, assigns & children and spouse if any do hereby agree to hold harmless, release & discharge the Kenturcky Celebration, which includes its officers, directors, members, agents, representatives, affiliates & insurers, of & from all claims, demands, causes of action& legal liability whether known or unknown, anticipated or unanticipated, due to the ordinary negligence of the Kenturcky Celebration. I shall not bring any claims, demands, legal actions or causes of action against theKenturcky Celebration for any damage or loss due to bodily injury, death or property damage arising out of my participation of this event.
Exhibitors Name:_______________________________________________________________ Phone:_________________________________________________
Street or Route:___________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip:_______________________________________________
A lease agreement is a contract between a landlord and a tenant that outlines the terms and conditions of a property rental. A lengthy lease agreement can mean that the tenant does not read through and know what they are agreeing to — so make the process simpler with this Simple One Page Lease Agreement Template that your tenants can fill out and sign on any device.Need to make changes to this Simple One Page Lease Agreement Template? Use our drag-and-drop builder to update the terms, add or remove fields, include your logo, and change other design elements in a few easy clicks. Once your Simple One Page Lease Agreement is good to go, share it with tenants via email and watch as each completed document is automatically converted into a polished PDF. Collect legally binding signatures with Jotform Sign today.
A payment agreement is a document between a lender and a borrower that outlines the terms and conditions of a loan, including the amount, payment schedule, and penalties. If you’re lending money, you can create professional payment agreements — plus fill them out and sign them on any device — with this free payment agreement form template from Jotform.You can update the design of this payment agreement template in just a few clicks with our drag-and-drop builder. You can add or remove fields, choose new fonts or text colors, set up a unique signing order, and customize automated email notifications. You can also gather e-signatures anytime and anywhere to streamline your loan process with Jotform Sign.
A partnership agreement is a formal contract between two or more people who agree to run a for-profit business together. Partnership agreements are necessary for establishing terms and conditions that will help resolve any future disputes. Whether you’re a contract attorney or about to enter into a business partnership yourself, save time writing partnership agreements with our free Partnership Agreement Template. Simply customize the design to reflect the details of your partnership — then share it online to collect legally binding e-signatures on any device.Using our drag-and-drop builder, you can customize this Partnership Agreement Template to include the specific terms of your agreement, such as the length of the partnership, ownership percentage, distribution of profits and losses, management responsibilities, and what to do in the event of a withdrawal or death. You can also add your company’s official logo or change fonts and colors to match those of your business. With your partnership agreements taken care of, you can spend less time dealing with legal paperwork and more time growing your business. By streamlining your signature process with Jotform Sign , you can save time better spent elsewhere.
A short term rental agreement is an agreement between a landlord and tenant regarding the rental of a property over a short period of time. Whether you’re an independent landlord or manage multiple properties, you can use this Short Term Rental Agreement to outline the terms and conditions of your rental and collect important information and e-signatures on any device.Feel free to update the terms of this Short Term Rental Agreement, change text fonts and colors, add or remove fields, and make other design changes with our drag-and-drop builder. Once your fully-customized Short Term Rental Agreement is ready to go, share it with tenants via email so they can fill it out and submit it in seconds — a great way to minimize messy paperwork and automate your workflow. By streamlining your signature process with Jotform Sign, you can save time better spent elsewhere.
A consulting agreement, also known as a consulting contract, is a document that outlines the services a consultant or independent contractor will perform for a client. Jotform Sign’s free Consulting Agreement lets you outline your scope of work, compensation and payment details, and other relevant terms and conditions. Share it with participants via email and seamlessly collect signatures from any device.Making changes to this Consulting Agreement Template is simple with Jotform’s easy-to-use form builder. Just drag and drop to make customizations! You can add or edit form fields, set up an automated signing order, change fonts and colors, upload your unique branding, and more. Once both parties have filled out and signed your agreement, you’ll automatically receive a finalized PDF for your records.
An employee equipment agreement is a contract that outlines the terms and conditions for employee use of company-provided equipment. The agreement establishes the responsibilities, liabilities, and use restrictions of both parties to ensure that equipment is secure and accounted for.Stay on top of company equipment loans with this free Employee Equipment Agreement template from Jotform Sign. Our ready-made template allows you to quickly gather information such as employee name, position, division and/or department — as well as the borrowed equipment identifying information. Share your form via email and get notified as soon as it’s been filled out and signed.Customizing this Employee Equipment Agreement template couldn’t be easier. Using Jotform’s intuitive builder, simply drag and drop to add or change text boxes, upload your company’s branding, change fonts and colors, add additional signature fields, include images of the loaned equipment, and much more. Once both parties have signed and completed the form, you’ll receive a finalized PDF document ready to download, share, or print for your records. Never lose track of company equipment again with this customizable Employee Equipment Agreement. If you want to take your signing process online, create an e-sign document with Jotform Sign.
These templates are suggested forms only. If you're using a form as a contract, or to gather personal (or personal health) info, or for some other purpose with legal implications, we recommend that you do your homework to ensure you are complying with applicable laws and that you consult an attorney before relying on any particular form.