Preventitive Strategy
Assessment and Monitoring - Regularly assess and monitor (young person's) behaviour patterns, triggers, and warning signs of escalation. Utilise the shift log behaviour observation to support the whole team to track changes in behaviour over time.
Environment Modification - Create a safe and structured environment by removing potential triggers and hazards while balancing a homely and welcoming home environement. Ensure the physical space is conducive to de-escalation and safety, with minimal stimuli that may provoke agitation.
Establishing Routine - Implement consistent daily routines and schedules to provide predictability and stability for (the young person). Clearly communicate expectations and transitions to reduce anxiety and confusion.
Building Rapport and Trust - Foster positive relationships with clients based on trust, respect, and empathy. Use active listening and validation techniques to demonstrate understanding and support.
Attachment Building - Utilise attachment building techniques to assist in strengthing attachment with (the young person); including 1. Inclusion and Claiming which is vital for a young person to feel welcomed and a sense of belonging. By actively seeking ways to include and claim young people as they are, we promote an environment where they feel valued and accepted. This can be achieved through fostering a culture of acceptance, understanding, and support within the placement. 2. Arousal/Relaxation when a young person experiences stress and we are able to be a source or strength and support and help them to relax we build attachement. As youth workers, our role is to help them relax by offering a calming presence, reassurance, and understanding, we create a safe environment where they can gradually lower their arousal levels and 3. Positive Interactions Everyday there are opportunities to initiate positive interactions those inititated by the youth worker and responded to positively by young people but also and possible even more importantly the youth worker responding positively to a young persons attempts to initiate positive interactions with a youth worker these positive expereinces increase the likelihood of more positive experiences and build attachment
Teaching Coping Skills - Provide psychoeducation and skills training to equip (the young person) with effective coping strategies for managing stress, anxiety, and strong emotions. Teach relaxation techniques, mindfulness practices, and assertive communication skills. There may also be phone apps or resources available that the young person might engage with postively to support before crisis occurs.
Reactive Strategy
De-escalation Techniques - The youth worker should utilise trained TCI stretegeis to defuse tense situations and prevent escalation of behaviour. Emphasise maintaining a calm and non-confrontational demeanor, using active listening, and offering reassurance and validation. This is a link to a TCI Quick Reference Guide -
Emergency Response Plan - If there is high or imminent risk of further harm that would require additional supports or assistance emergency services should be contacted for a mental health assessment. The youth worker should manage the enciroement to increase safety and security of the environment and to ensure the safety of all individuals involved.
Collaboration with Mental Health Professionals - If the young person is linked in with mental health supports already these people should be contacted where they are able to provide support or guidance around the concerns. The team can also contact the acute care team on calling 1300 MH CALL (1300 64 2255) avaialble 24/7. If the regular mental health support team for this young person or professionals providing an emergncy mental health assessment provide written advice this should be provided to the house manager or oncall and followed.
If the young person is expressing sucidal ideation or intent or young have concerns that they might be the safety plan for suicidal ideation should be followed.
Post-Incident Debriefing and Support - Youth worker should after all crisis call there line manager or oncall for a debriefing session so that they can reflect on what happened, identify any areas for improvement, and be provided with emotional support. The youth worker can also access the EAP for additional counseling or debriefing sessions to process any of there own reactions and/or experiences
Documentation and Reporting- Ensure thorough documentation of all incidents, including descriptions of the behavior exhibited, interventions used, and outcomes through the incident log in CTARS.