I hereby affirm that the information on this application (and accompanying documents, if any) is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I also agree that any misstatement, falsified information, or omission deemed significant by the Company may disqualify me from further consideration for employment and/or may be considered justification for discharge if discovered after an offer of employment has been extended to me.
I understand that nothing in this application or any other Company document or communication (written or oral), or an acceptance of employment, create an employment contract between the Company and me. I understand that if I am hired and if my employment is not subject to a collective bargaining agreement, my employment would be at-will, which means that I can quit at any time, for any reason, and without notice. Also, as an at-will employee, my employment can be terminated by the Company at any time, for any reason, and without notice. I understand that no oral or written statement to the contrary should be relied upon by me, as it will not change this at-will relationship.
If hired, as a condition of my employment, I agree to abide by the policies and rules of the Company, as may be amended.
I authorize investigation of all statements contained in this application, authorize the Company to secure information about my background and experience with former employers, educational institutions, and any relevant agencies, and authorize those parties to provide information to the Company concerning my background and experience. I release the Company, and all parties providing information to the Company about my background and experience, from any liability whatsoever arising therefrom.
I understand that bonding may be a condition of hire. If it is, I will be so advised either before or after hiring and a bond application will have to be completed. I further understand that where bonding is required, it will be a condition of both employment and continued employment.
By submitting this form I understand that if I am extended an offer of employment, my employment is contingent upon satisfactory completion of a medical examination, including a drug test, proof that I possess any required credentials and/or licenses, and my acceptance by a bonding or insurance company, as may be applicable to the job I am seeking.
I understand that this application for employment is only valid for the position applied for at present and that the Company is not obligated to retain or consider this application for future openings. This application will be considered for 60 days. If I wish to be considered for employment beyond this time period, I must inquire as to whether applications are being accepted at that time and, if so, complete another application.