
Easiest way to collect data for government agencies

Read story of how human resource teams of OrthoIllinois use Jotform Enterprise

Jotform Enterprise is trusted by leading government agencies around the world.

County of Marin
San Antonio
Brussels International
Staffordshire Police

Ready to use templates

Start now with ready-to-use form templates for Government users. Save time by getting started with a professional template.

Employment Form
Employment Form
Employment Form
Registration Form
Registration Form
Registration Form
Reservation Form
Reservation Form
Reservation Form

Maintain privacy

Maintain privacy

Collecting information has always been difficult. Jotform Enterprise makes it easy for anyone in your organization to create a custom form, and collect data in a manner that s safe and secure. Your data is also stored in a local data residency center, and you have complete control over who has access to your forms and data. Jotform is SOC 2 compliant, so you can rest assured we’re qualified to house your sensitive data. If you need to collect sensitive health information, or if you want an extra level of security, Jotform Enterprise also offers HIPAA solutions. If you’re accepting online payments, Jotform Enterprise provides bank-level security (PCI-DSS certification).

Improve your form process

Improve your form process

You can stop worrying about printing and distributing paper forms, and then waiting for them to return. Digital forms can be completed from any location using a phone, table, or computer. Plus, you can view and analyze your data instantly.

Drag and drop form builder

Drag and drop form builder

Using Jotform Enterprise’s drag-and-drop form builder, anyone can quickly build forms for building permits, business licenses, employment applications or to reserve park space for an event. There’s an unlimited number of ways you can use Jotform Enterprise.

Safety and security is #1

Safety and security is #1

Jotform Enterprise is PCI DSS Service Provider Level 1 compliant, the highest security attainment you can have as a business that collects payments from, and integrates with, credit cards.

Integrations make the process efficient


Jotform Enterprise includes integrations with popular software tools that help you manage your workflow. These integrations include everything from CRMs and cloud storage solutions to payment processors and project management boards! Then when a form is filled out, the submission information will automatically appear in your other online accounts based on your integration settings.

Make the most of your PDFs

Smart PDF

With Jotform Smart PDF Forms, you can turn PDF contracts, legal agreements, and business forms into professional online forms — giving your clients a seamless form-filling experience from any device. You can even save submissions as completed versions of the original PDF, so you can more easily print, share, and manage your records.

Easy to manage your account

Now that you’ve collected your data, it’s time to analyze it. Our easy-to-use admin tools let your generate and publish dynamic reports based on your form submission data. Plus, you can add or delete users with a few mouse clicks.

Do you want to share these benefits with your team or manager?

Reference use cases

  • The way that Jotform operates is brilliant. Being able to accept e-signatures removes a lot of barriers, eliminates a great deal of paperwork, and automates filing and PDF creation for reporting.

    Melanie Dunlop

    Odyssey Charter Schools

  • In 15 minutes, I created a form that worked better than the one we had been working on for almost 10 years.

    Bill Coller


Get hands-on help from our team

Get hands-on help from our team

Our dedicated team is here to ensure seamless implementation tailored to your organization’s needs. Get expert guidance every step of the way, from form creation to workflow optimization. Let us prepare your enterprise for success.