Recursos de Formulários para o Setor
de Seguros

Discover the powerful features of Jotform’s online forms — and what they can do for your insurance company. Build a custom form without any coding and collect client contact information, service fees, e-signatures, and more.


Editor de PDFs

Converta envios
em segundos

With Jotform, your PDFs can be filled out from any device. Save client submissions in their original PDF format and convert them into online forms, then share them with the click of a button.

New PDF Form


Assinaturas eletrônicas
para qualquer ocasião

Eliminate messy paperwork and streamline your signature collection process. Drag and drop to add an e-signature field. Clients can sign from any device, and all e-signatures are instantly stored and organized in your secure Jotform account.

Tax Return Request Form

E-mails Automatizados

Mantenha seus clientes

Manage submissions and keep clients informed with notifications and autoresponder emails. Receive notifications when a form is submitted — and set up autoresponder emails to be sent to form users after they complete a form.

Insurance Certificate Request

+100 Integrações

Personalize Your Integrations

Eleve ainda mais seus formulários para seguros usando as +100 integrações da Jotform. Arraste e solte para instalar o Google Drive, Zoom, Dropbox e um de nossos +30 processadores de pagamento — incluindo PayPal, Square e Stripe. Você também pode se conectar ao Zapier para adicionar ainda mais integrações.

Formulários Móveis

Collect Data & Collaborate Offline

Gather form submissions anytime, anywhere with Jotform’s mobile-ready forms. From any smartphone or tablet, you can collect data offline, view and manage submissions, and collaborate remotely with your team using the same features and functionality as our desktop forms.

Home Insurance Quote

Criador de Relatórios

Otimize seus
relatórios online

Gere relatórios visuais instantaneamente usando o Criador de Relatórios Jotform. Converta as respostas ao seu formulário em relatórios online coloridos para analisar dados e obter insights comerciais valiosos. Compartilhe seus relatórios com colegas através de um link ou como PDFs seguros para download.

Insurance Incident Report