How can I remove the login prompt when fillers are saving the form?

  • Educativa_Villa
    Fecha de consulta 25 de enero de 2024, 21:15
    The forms I have are as public.
    The user still sees the email login screen

  • Educativa_Villa
    Fecha de respuesta 25 de enero de 2024, 21:24

    ¿Cómo puedo evitar el prompt para iniciar sesión al guardar formulario?

  • Lara Jotform Support
    Fecha de respuesta 25 de enero de 2024, 23:24

    Hi Educativa_Villa,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Unfortunately, our Spanish Support agents are busy helping other Jotform users at the moment. I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd rather have support in Spanish, let us know and we can have them do that. But, keep in mind that you'd have to wait until they're available again.

    Now, let me help you with your question. Please note that the Save feature is a default behavior if the user is not logged in to a Jotform Account and clicks on Save ButtonUnfortunately, we can not hide the pop-up message while saving progress on the form. As this screen is necessary as the person saving the form will need to receive the session link via email to continue the form at a later date. If a respondent does not have an active Jotform account, they will either need to follow the steps to send the session link to their email, or they can sign up with JotForm.

    Please note that if you are already logged in to a Jotform account on the same browser you are filling the form in, then the session link will be emailed to the Jotform account email. If you have previously saved a form on a browser, that same browser will re-send the session email to the saved email address in the cache.

    As a workaround, you can use CSS to make Skip Create an Account text bolder and bigger, so the user can notice it. Please inject the following CSS into your form:

    #registrationBox > a{

    Here's what it will look like:

    How can I remove the login prompt when fillers are saving the form? Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Reach out again if there's anything else we can do for you