How can I track the time each user required to fill in each question?

  • Pablo
    Fecha de consulta 6 de junio de 2021, 8:04
  • Carlos_C
    Fecha de respuesta 6 de junio de 2021, 8:40

    Hello There!

    If you are looking to know how much time the users take to fill your form, here is a widget you can use, it is a time tracker, Ill share the link with you so you can check it, let us know if that worked for you.


  • Pablo
    Fecha de respuesta 6 de junio de 2021, 8:50

    Hi Carlos,

    I'm looking to track not only the overall time, but also the time spent on each question. I could also put a single question per section, if there is a way to track the time spent in each section.


  • Carlos_C
    Fecha de respuesta 6 de junio de 2021, 8:54

    Hello Pablo

    Unfortunately, we do not have a question timer per se. I tried to find another alternative, unfortunately, I could not find any better workaround than the widget previously suggested, a feature request was previously submitted so we can have that option in the future.
